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Chapter 2 Doors

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85_85664When Gu Ning woke up again, he didn't know where he was at all.

Her memory ended up being besieged by several zombies at the same time, and finally bitten, and in less than three minutes, she felt like her head was about to explode, and at the same time, her body was hot, and slowly her body was not dominated by her own brain power, and she soon fainted.

The watermelon knife is still in his hand. Gu Ning couldn't help but touch the place where he was bitten by a zombie near the back of his neck, and it was flat and there was no sign of being bitten at all.

The wound on her wrist was gone, and if it weren't for the dried blood on her wrist, she would almost have thought that the knife was also her hallucination.

Gu Ning looked at the surrounding environment blankly.

This is a "room" of about 100 square meters, and there is a white expanse everywhere, and there is an illusion of mental trance after looking at it for a long time. At the end of this room, there is a dark door, which stands out in this snow-white world.

She got up from the ground and walked towards the door.

When I got closer, I found that there was a Taiji-like thing embedded in the door on the pitch-black door, and there was a slender golden pointer inside, which was standing motionless in the middle of the black and white color.

What will be behind this door?

Almost as soon as this thought arose in his mind, Gu Ning reached out and put his hand on the doorknob, after a slight twist.

With a click, the door opened—after a dazzling golden light, Gu Ning's whole person seemed to have seen some extremely incredible scene, and he was stunned.

The noisy street with cars and people coming and going, and the well-dressed people enjoy the holiday leisurely. Kinmen Street is the busiest street in Jinyong City, the streets are always clean and tidy, the closets are all displayed with high-end goods, the store staff are all wearing high-end clothes, and their beautiful faces are wearing delicate makeup with just the right professional smile.

And in such a glamorous scene, a girl in rags on the side of the road is particularly abrupt and dazzling. Passers-by cast their gazes, and anyone who got close could smell the disgusting rancid stench of her.

No one found out when she appeared, as if she had just appeared out of thin air.

Gu Ning was in rags, her hair was unkempt, and her face was dirty, she glanced back in confusion, the door behind her didn't know when it disappeared, she turned her head, her eyes were straight and stunned as she watched the people on the street.

Is it dreaming? Gu Ning thought that it was the first time since the end of the world that she had dreamed of the scene before the end of the world.

Gu Ning looked at this prosperous scene that he hadn't seen since the end of the world in a daze, and was almost reluctant to blink.

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