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Chapter 60: Heading for the city

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85_85664Yin Sang looked gloomily at the strand of hair on the ground, and then looked at Zhuang Chen outside the gate: "Zhuang Chen, you are looking for death!" "As soon as I raised my hand, the ability poured out wildly, suddenly! Countless vines burst out of the ground in front of her! It grew rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed, like countless tentacles born from the earth and flew straight into the sky, and then suddenly changed direction in the air and flew directly past the gate and rushed towards Zhuang Chen outside the door!

Zhuang Chen's face was condensed, but she was not afraid, her eyes suddenly sharpened, and the wind suddenly rose! I only heard the sound of the wind, and countless wind blades spun around Zhuang Chen, and then with Zhuang Chen's one-handed wave, those wind blades spun out from her side one by one, and flew towards the vines that were tangled and entangled together and smashed down towards her with a very large momentum! I can only hear the sound of breaking through the sky and hunting! Whoosh! The sound of being cut and broken by sharp weapons continued to sound, and in an instant, the wind blade slashed those vines all over the sky, and then a section of the severed vines fell from the sky.

Several wind blades broke through the vines, and they rushed forward, slashing directly towards Yin Sang's face door!

Yin Sang was shocked.

Boom! The several wind blades all hit the earthen wall that appeared out of thin air, and Yin Qi looked at Zhuang Chen with a frown: "Zhuang Chen, do you really want to kill her?"

Zhuang Chen said coldly: "It was she who wanted to kill me first."

The moment the words landed, Yin Sang suddenly screamed in pain, covered her face, and a thin line drawn by the wind blade instantly oozing blood and staining her palm, she looked at Zhuang Chen in disbelief, her face pale.

Zhuang Chen didn't even look at her, but said to Yin Qi: "Since you refuse to educate your sister, let me do it." If she is so rude to her elders next time, I won't cut her face. After saying this, she glanced at Yin Sang, looked at Yin Sang's resentful eyes, and said lightly: "If you look at me with such disgusting eyes again, I will gouge out your eyes."

Yin Qi said to Yin Sang, "You go to Doctor Gao first."

Yin Sang covered his face in disbelief: "Brother?!"

Yin Qi twisted his eyebrows and said, "Do you really want to die?"

Yin Sang's pupils shrank slightly, her complexion changed slightly, she knew that Zhuang Chen's words were not a threat, Zhuang Chen was bold before, and now there is no legal constraint, but she is afraid that she will be even more unscrupulous. She had to endure the humiliation, covering her face and turning in the direction of the infirmary. From beginning to end, he didn't dare to look at Zhuang Chen again.

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