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Chapter 4: Encountering People

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85_85664In such a scene where even the wind smells of rotting corpses, suddenly, a hand is on her shoulder!

Gu Ning's whole body suddenly stood on end, grabbed the wrist of the hand on his shoulder with one hand, turned around, and flipped that hand over! was about to make a ruthless move, only to hear a series of screams: "Ouch yo hey!"

Is it human?

Gu Ning subconsciously let go.

Then I looked closely, and the owner of the hand was a middle-aged man in his forties with a goatee, wearing a gray-blue dirty robe, his hair was as oily as jelly water, and he was holding his right wrist and hissing and exhaling.

Gu Ning stood aside, a little embarrassed, and a little strange at the same time, did he use that much force?

"You little girl, why are your hands so dark, so young? Yes? The man shouted in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was a zombie." Gu Ning said honestly.

"If I'm a zombie, I'll still take your shoulder? Directly open your mouth to eat" The voice has not fallen! I saw that the little girl on the other side had a change in her face, and then snatched the knife in his hand and thrust it into the darkness behind him!

I only heard a terrible roar behind me!

He turned around tremblingly, almost not scared to death, and vaguely saw a hideous face in the darkness less than a meter away from him, and if the knife had passed a little later, he would have been bitten.

Before he could thank him, he heard the little girl's tense voice: "Run, there are a lot of people coming behind."

Okay, a lot of them?!

What else is there at this time?!

He didn't care about what to think, so he hurriedly followed the footsteps of the little girl in front of him, lifted the robe to his knees, and ran quickly in the dark, not having time to think about how she saw so many zombies coming now that it was so dark.

He didn't run far just now, seeing that Gu Ning's blond hair was about to disappear into the darkness, he wanted to run quickly to catch up when he was in a hurry, but there were no street lights on this road, the light source was the moon above his head, and he was in a hurry, and he didn't know what he tripped under his feet, the whole person just threw himself forward and fell on his stomach, and then looked up, where was the shadow of the little girl? Listening to the footsteps of the zombie rubbing on the ground and rubbing it was coming, I suddenly felt creepy, and hurriedly got up from the ground with a roll, ran for a while before I came back to my senses, my hands were empty, and I suddenly scolded in a low voice: "! She took my knife!

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