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Chapter 37: The Man Who Sees the Future

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85_85664 The last remaining zombies have all been cleared.

Gu Ning stayed on the roof of the building until the smoke gradually faded before going down from the roof with a gun on his back.

The ground was full of the corpses of some zombies that had been charred or even burned to the point of only having some broken bones, just when Gu Ning walked to the gate, she suddenly stepped on a round thing under her feet, she was slightly stunned, and then moved her steps, and saw a transparent bead on the ground, Gu Ning was a little surprised, and hurriedly squatted down to pick it up, however, when she picked up the bead, she found the second bead, then the third, the fourth, and the fifth

In the end, Gu Ning bent down and picked up at least thirty-five beads near the big iron gate.

All of them are transparent colors, crystal clear and dazzling.

These beads seem to be the only ones of those agile zombies.

Gu Ning pulled out the backpack on his back and was about to put all these beads into the backpack, and then walked into the gathering place.

She was stopped.

The leader was Yan Yu, who led the way with more than a dozen people to block Gu Ning's way.

Pei Jing had been taken away by the white wolf at this time.

"Hand over the stuff."

Gu Ning glanced at her, threw the beads into the backpack as if he hadn't heard them, and then carried them on his back.

Cheng Ming and Daoist Jia hurriedly walked over and stood next to Gu Ning, looking at the group of people vigilantly.

The soldiers who stayed behind also noticed this side and did not rush to leave, but stood there from a distance to observe the situation.

Yan Yu was a little impatient: "Didn't you hear me talking to you?" Hand over my stuff!

"Your stuff?" Gu Ning's eyebrows raised slightly.

"Of course!" Yan Yu said without hesitation: "Didn't you see the fire just now?"

Gu Ning looked at her coldly: "If I'm not mistaken, only those zombies who climb the iron gate with quick movements have this kind of bead." I stood on the roof of the building opposite and opened fire, and fired more than 40 shots in total. All of them are zombies on the iron gate that they are aiming at. And you've been just watching. When that fire of yours started up, there were only ordinary zombies.

Yan Yu sneered: "Hmph, you said that you fired more than forty shots, the distance is so far, can you hit the zombies with every shot?"

Gu Ning didn't talk nonsense with her, he took off the gun directly, then turned around and aimed diagonally at the place where she was just now, where an antenna was set up, and pulled the trigger.

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