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Chapter 69

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85_85664 Gu Ning could see that the relationship between Zhuang Chen and the white wolf seemed to be unusual, but he didn't ask questions.

The group was ready to leave.

The white wolf suddenly spoke: "But what's the situation here, can't everything be moved by you?" He looked at the third brother and then at Gu Ning.

The third brother and the others suddenly tightened their hearts, and they were a little weak-hearted.

Gu Ning said very naturally and calmly: "This was the case when we came.

The white wolf didn't really doubt it, just listen to Gu Ning say so

In order to hide people's eyes, the third brother still drove back the big truck loaded with a small half of the supplies.

On the way back, Gu Ning and Zhuang Chen both talked about their experiences after separation, and they were both a little emotional. Gu Ning didn't tell Zhuang Chen about his space and healing ability, but only said that he had evolved a wood-based ability. I inquired about the status of the method again, and only after learning that the method was not worried about my life did I relax a little. The third brother and the others have never heard Gu Ning mention the name of the method, Gu Ning has always been relatively cold in the world, it is rare to see her care about a person so much, they have just become close to Gu Ning, this is another method they don't know, and it is inevitable that they have some thoughts in their hearts.

Zhuang Chen is good at observing words and feelings, and at this time, looking at the subtle expressions of a carload of people, she can probably guess a ten*, but she is a little curious that she has been separated from Gu Ning for less than a week, these people seem to be people that Gu Ning knows later, how did Gu Ning have such an important position among them in such a short period of time?

Wood-based abilities are not strong among so many abilities, and they can even be said to be weak, and the abilities of several people in this carriage are not weak

The way back to the gathering place was relatively smooth, and when the big truck drove into the gathering place, stopped in front of the small courtyard where they lived and began to unload the goods, the survivors in the gathering place were shocked. The children cheered and were very happy after seeing the supplies in the small half of the truck.

Gu Ning handed this side over to the third brother and them, then said hello to Gu's father and Gu's mother, and directly followed Zhuang Chen to find a way to find a way.

The third brother couldn't help but frown when he looked at Gu Ning's back as Zhuang Chen went away.

Zhang Xiaobai couldn't help but ask: "Third brother, what kind of method do you say has to do with Gu Ning?" Gu Ning looked quite nervous.

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