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Chapter 31: Someone from the dormitory

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85_85664As the night fell, all the noise and noise gradually fell silent, as if it was afraid of disturbing the zombies who would not stop chasing their prey even when night fell.

At this time, it is actually still nine o'clock in the evening, but after the end of the world, there is no power supply, no light, no mobile phones, computers, and various entertainment machines, and people are afraid that after a day, they can only get a little respite in their sleep.

Gu Ning was lying on the iron frame bed, looking at the bed board above her head, without the slightest feeling of sleep, since she was bitten by a zombie, she rarely felt like she wanted to sleep. Her ears could clearly hear the sound of someone in the dormitory next door turning over on the iron frame bed, and the sound of people snoring from sleep.

After the end of the world, even if you sleep, you generally curl up in the seat of the car and fall asleep, and even if you fall asleep, you don't dare to relax completely, and you will be awakened at the slightest disturbance. This was the first time since the end of the world that she had slept in a bed in this world.

Inside her bed, there was a rifle. More than three months ago, Gu Ning was still the girl who had just graduated from school and was looking for a job everywhere under the scorching sun, she never imagined that she would lie here more than three months later, sleeping with a gun.

Her parents were asleep in the dormitory next door, and Gu's father's injury, which she had been worried about, had also undergone surgery, plus the door to two worlds full of hope. But the tense nerves in her brain still didn't relax.

Even if you are alone, it is not easy to survive in such a dangerous world, let alone with elderly and frail parents.

But that's why she exists in this world.

And the sun that sinks in the west early.

Unknown changes that have taken place in that space.

And the dark eyes of the little girl she met in the back playground today have been coming to her mind, and that feeling is very mysterious, when the two pairs of eyes look at each other in the dark, they can see each other's eyes very clearly

There is also a method waiting for Zhuang Chen in Times City.

The method is that she is the only person she can truly trust in the last days, except for her parents. It was even more obvious to Zhuang Chen at first sight, and it was rare that they had a good impression of Gu Ning in less than a day of getting along.

But obviously, the current situation of his parents is not suitable for the road, and after this farewell, I don't know if I can meet it in the future, I hope that the method can have such good luck as her, and successfully find his parents.

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