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Chapter 38: Abilities

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85_85664 Gu Ning didn't dwell on why Xiang Xu obtained such an ability, but squeezed all the information that might be useful from her.

Color-coded nuclei allow people to evolve abilities, while transparent cores can only be used to supplement the ability cost.

In this regard, Gu Ning questioned: "Will the ability be consumed?"

"Yes." Xiang Xu nodded seriously: "Just like today at the gate, the number of fireballs that woman sent out the most is about twenty." Normally, each fireball that changes consumes her abilities.

"What about you?" Gu Ning asked.

"My mental power can cover the whole campus. In other words, you can see any place you want to see. Xiang Xu said confidently.

What Xiang Xu said here is not to see with the naked eye, spiritual power cannot be said to be eyes, but a feeling, like countless tentacles, when it touches a thing, it is touched by tentacles, like a blind person's hand touching a thing, and then through the transmission of spiritual power to give a relatively clear information.

Just like Xiang Xu's spiritual power can sense how many people are coming from in which direction at the first time, if you are more detailed, you can also judge whether it is a man or a woman according to the shape of the clothes on your body, and if you need to get more information, you need more mental power as support for more detailed work analysis.

Instead of seeing it with the naked eye, you can see at a glance whether several people are male or female, tall or short, fat or thin.

Gu Ning nodded, and then said, "So you don't have any other functions besides the function of the radar?"

Xiang Xu was stunned for a moment by Gu Ning's description, and then after thinking about it carefully, he said with some discouragement: "At least for now." But she quickly added, "But I'm working on other uses for psychic power right now. You know, I didn't have a few days to eat that bead. If I was given more time, I would have gotten better. And just the action of a radar can already help you avoid a lot of dangers.

Gu Ning didn't continue to dwell on the effectiveness of radar, but asked with interest, "How old are you this year?"

Xiang Xu was stunned for a moment by the sudden change of topic, and then reacted to the meaning of Gu Ning's question, so she said with a little imperceptible pride: "I am eight years old this year. I am in the third year of junior high school.

Gu Ning didn't ask her what grade she went to, but she took the initiative to say it, I have to say that this is a means she uses to add points in front of Gu Ning, proving that she is very smart, and it is far more smart than Gu Ning imagined.

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