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Chapter 56 Actual Combat Drill in the Mountains and Forests

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85_85664Gu Ning didn't know about some strange changes that had happened at home because of her, so she went out with her luggage and went directly to the army by taxi. By the way, I sent the bank card number to the method in the car.

arrived at the troops on time at nine o'clock, and the people who picked up Gu Ning at the door turned out to be Zhang Xiaobai and Zhong Xu.

The two of them ran to the side of the car very actively to help Gu Ning move the luggage out of the rear compartment, Zhang Xiaobai snatched the big backpack on Gu Ning's back and put it on his back, and then said as he walked: "The battalion commander is here today, and he is holding a meeting with the three company commanders." Our company commander has explained, let us take you to the family building first.

There is still a long distance between the family building and the gate, in fact, the greening here is still very good, in addition to the white cement floor and the road, the eyes are full of green, Zhang Xiaobai and Zhong Xu talked and laughed all the way with Gu Ning and walked forward, after the training ground of the second company, Zhang Xiaobai and Zhong Xu inadvertently straightened their waists. Finally, you will pass through a tree-lined path lined with trees, and the family building is at the end of this tree-lined path.

Several small white buildings are quietly bathed in the morning light, surrounded by greenery, and the environment is very quiet and comfortable.

The second building from the left is the family building of Sanlian.

Zhang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Now is not the time to open family visits, so now the entire building is contracted by you."

Then he took Gu Ning to room 202 on the second floor.

Push open the door, inside is a room of about 30 square meters, the floor is light-colored tiles, white walls, a double bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair, a few single wooden benches against the wall, and a small balcony behind.

Zhong Xu put Gu Ning's duffel bag on the ground and said, "There is hot water in the toilet, just turn it on and boil it an hour in advance." We've bought all those toiletries for you, they're all on the sink, if you don't like the ones available in the shops outside. We don't know what else the girl wants, but if you need anything, you can tell us.

Gu Ning was moved in his heart and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Hehe, Gu Ning, it's all your own people, you're welcome." If you enter the five-star brigade, then our third company will also have a light on its face.

Zhong Xu said: "Then do you want to take a break first or go down to train with us now?" The company commander said that we are going to have field training today, which may be hard.

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