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Chapter 58

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85_85664Zhong Xu's expression changed from stunned to solemn, and he asked in a deep voice, "Gu Ning, what do you mean?"

Gu Ning said: "After the first round of shooting. There was only him in the first company, and there were three people in the second company. Gu Ning pointed out Zhai Jun, Chen Gen and the other two people from the second company respectively. Then he continued: "In the second round of shooting just now, I shot three people, so in the end only one person should still be "alive". Gu Ning looked at Chen Gen and Zhai Jun, and asked coldly, "Who is the ghost of the two of you?"

Gu Ning was wearing an ill-fitting camouflage uniform, holding a special gun in her hand, and her face was half covered by a hat, which made her look even more immature, but she just stood there, and the cold and sharp interrogation coming out of her mouth had to make everyone face it. And in such a chaotic situation just now, Gu Ning could still see the situation clearly, which was originally a very terrifying ability.

The atmosphere on the field once again fell into an ice cave.

Zhai Jun no longer knew what kind of expression to make on his face, or he was already stiff and didn't know what expression to make.

Chen Gen was originally expressionless, and there was no change at this time.

Gong Menglong looked at Chen Gen and then at Zhai Jun, his expression was a little strange, then he looked at Gu Ning and asked, "You mean, someone cheats?"

The face of one of the soldiers of the second company changed slightly.

"How do you prove it?" A soldier questioned: "At that time, the smoke was so big that even people couldn't see clearly, who knows if you hit it?" Although your marksmanship is good, you are so sure that you will definitely hit?

"Need to try again?" Gu Ning looked at the soldier with burning eyes.

"Why are you so aggressive?" Suddenly, a soldier from the second company sneered: "It's all four places anyway."

Gu Ning's gaze shot over like an arrow, and he said coldly: "Then one of these four places should be Zhong Xu's."

Zhong Xu looked at Gu Ning in surprise and emotion, he didn't expect Gu Ning to bite so hard for no other reason, but to help him fight for this place.

The soldier of the second company was chilled by Gu Ning's fierce gaze, but the ridicule on his face was even stronger: "If you want to say that, you haven't robbed us of a place?!"

As soon as he said this, except for a few in the third company, the expressions on the faces of the soldiers in the first and second companies were a little subtle, and it was obvious that although they had not said it all along, they also had a lot of complaints about it.

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