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Chapter 51: Sister Hong on Jinyong <>th Street (Part II)

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85_85664 "Back then, in Jinyong <>th Street, Sister Hong took us with a machete and cut from the street to the end of the street, and the street was full of blood, and no one dared to come to us for trouble!"

Then at the celebration banquet in the evening, in the narrative of the third brother's over-excitement after drinking. Everyone knew the story of Sister Hong.

On Jinyong Thirteenth Street, Gu Ning has also heard that that block is notoriously chaotic, and the parents at home will definitely explain that the children in the family cannot go to that place. It is named because it is thirteen interconnected streets, zigzag, like a labyrinth, not the people who live in it, and the people outside will definitely get lost when they enter it, because of the unique geographical environment and low rent, slowly more and more gangsters, prostitutes, and drug dealers are entrenched in Jinyong 13th Street, and finally Jinyong 13th Street has developed into an indelible stain on Jinyong City. And Li Hongjuan used to be a famous female gangster on Jinyong 13th Street, born and raised, all on Jinyong 13th Street, and finally did not become a prostitute or drug dealer, but successfully became a female gangster, and she is the most powerful among the gangsters. She has a very ordinary and a bit rustic name, Li Hongjuan, but she has a particularly domineering nickname, Sister Hong.

Gu Ning finally knew how his parents and Sister Hong's middle-aged trio had come all the way to the gathering place safely.

Sister Hong poured a sip of wine, and after a snort, she sneered: "The most powerful gangster is not the same as a gangster, what's the point."

The third brother showed a look of reminiscence on his face, and sighed: "Sister Hong, you asked me to be a soldier back then.

Sister Hong glanced at him and said, "If you hadn't been asked to go to the army back then, you wouldn't have known which stinky ditch you were rotting in, and you could still drink and blow water here and collect so many little brothers?"

"What little brother, Sister Hong, these are all my soldiers, not gangsters." The third brother was a little resentful when he said this: "Do you think I didn't know back then that you sent me to be a soldier because you wanted to go with that man?"

When the third brother talked about that man, the smile on Sister Hong's face froze slightly, and then she suddenly slapped the back of the third brother's head and roared: "You Xie Aiguo, don't you take me, the past boss, in your eyes now that you have a little brother under your hands?"

The third brother rubbed the back of his head desperately, and seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, so he picked up the wine glass and said to Sister Hong: "Sister Hong, I was wrong!" I've done this, don't be angry! After speaking, he drank half a glass of wine in one sip, pinched his teeth and said: "This Wang Jizhong, he actually hid so much wine, he didn't have his life to enjoy, it's really cheap for us."

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