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Chapter 49

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85_85664 If the function of the crystal nucleus is to excite the energy magnetic field of the human body, thereby attracting the energy of heaven and earth into the body, and then evolving the supernatural energy.

Cheng Ming's ability magnetic field depends on their personal physique, so Gu Ning's mysterious space is like an incomparably huge magnetic field black hole, so turning on the energy magnetic field in the body for the first time will cause such a shocking effect.

For the first time, because Gu Ning was the only one who activated the ability, the magnetic field turned off after the space gained enough energy, and the energy that was attracted was not absorbed by other people but fell silent.

And this time it was a wrong move.

Gu Ning's black hole magnetic field turned on again, attracting an extremely large amount of energy, and after the space absorbed enough energy, the magnetic field turned off again, and the energy that was not absorbed by Gu Ning was absorbed by Cheng Ming and others who were turning on the magnetic field, which caused them to absorb enough ability for the first time they activated the ability, expanding the ability storage capacity in their body.

With so many people activating abilities at the same time, the magnetic field activated by each crystal nucleus attracts different energy, which is why there are so many mutant abilities.

They stumbled into it by mistake, and they relied on Gu Ning's magnetic field black hole to get great benefits.

Of course, even Xiang Xu's spiritual power cannot be detected. The only thing that can be determined is that the ability magnetic field with Gu Ning has brought them great benefits.

After Xiang Xu told the news of this certainty, the third brother Luo Long beat his chest and regretted it, looking at Jia Dao and Cheng Ming who were curiously studying their new abilities, they were just bitter tears.

I can't wait to spit out the crystal nucleus and evolve again.

Zhang Xiaobai asked seriously: "In that case, wouldn't Gu Ning absorb several times more energy than ours?"

"Well, the abilities I started to detect in her fluctuated very strongly." Xiang Xu paused slightly when he said this, and his expression was a little confused: "But Sister Gu Ning's body seems to be a little strange, generally speaking, the ability fluctuation will continue until she wakes up, but she seems to have absorbed the ability all at once, but she hasn't woken up yet."

Huang Mengyao suddenly said with some uneasiness: "Last time she fainted, she should have eaten the crystal nucleus, right?" But the last time she woke up, she didn't evolve."

Zhang Xiaobai subconsciously said: "Then what if Gu Ning hasn't evolved his ability this time?"

"What to do? Could it be that if she doesn't have a special ability, she won't be Gu Ning. The third brother glared at him, then glanced around the faces of the soldiers, and said solemnly: "I hope you can understand that most of the credit for your ability to evolve today is because of Gu Ning." I recognized Gu Ning's niece, then she is a person from the Third Company, and I can't care about other people, but I hope that as long as you think that you are still a member of the Third Company, no matter whether Gu Ning has evolved or not, you can treat her as your own person.

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