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Chapter 18: Distress 2

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85_85664 If it weren't for the wrong atmosphere now, the third brother would have laughed.

But looking at Gu Ning's eyes, the third brother couldn't laugh, he stared at Gu Ning, there was no hint of joke in those eyes, his eyes flashed a little unpredictable, and then said to the little flat head: "Zhang Yang, give her your gun."

"Huh?!" The little flat head was stunned for a moment, and looked at the third brother in surprise.

The third brother repeated impatiently: "Give her your gun."

Zhang Yang, the little flat-headed, reluctantly handed the gun to Gu Ning, and said nervously: "Be careful, don't go off."

Gu Ning took the gun and felt a slight sinking hand.

"Your one is a semi-automatic □□, pull the trigger once, shoot a bullet, pull the handle before shooting, then aim, shoot." The third brother explained concisely while demonstrating the movements in his hand. Gu Ning stared intently at his hand holding the gun, and then tried to take it himself, and saw that the third brother's eyes lit up slightly, looking at her posture of holding the gun that was not much different from herself, and said in surprise: "I learned very fast."

But soon, he said again: "You have a chance of three bullets, if you can't blow the head of a zombie with three bullets, then return the gun to Zhang Yang."

In the interval between their words, there were many zombies that were vigorously hitting the car body, but presumably there would be no small number, and the car body was staggered by the impact.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another loud bang above his head.

"Fuck! What the hell did these zombies come from! The third brother scolded. The voice has not fallen! I could only hear a loud bang in the carriage!

The people in the carriage didn't have time to react.

This was followed by a terrible zombie howl from the roof of the car! Then there is the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground from a height.

The third brother's mouth opened, and he looked at Gu Ning with a gun pointed at the roof of the car in shock, there was a translucent hole in the roof of the car, Gu Ning's hand was slightly numb, but he didn't look at him, and said, "This gun is mine." The third brother looked at the hole on the top and then at Gu Ning, dumbfounded.

Xiao Pingtou opened his mouth wide and looked at Gu Ning, who was holding a gun with an expressionless face, his eyes were full of shock.

He reacted like the others in the carriage.

Cheng Ming looked at Gu Ning, a burst of light erupted in his eyes, and he held the long knife in his hand tightly, not knowing why he had a feeling of excitement in his heart.

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