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Chapter 19: Getting Out of Trouble

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85_85664Gu Ning's whole person was pulled down by that force! Gu Ning looked down, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, only to see a male zombie grabbing her ankle, opening the rotten mouth, and pulling her feet down excitedly! He was just below Gu Ning, the blind spot of the third brother's muzzle, and if he fired, there was no guarantee that he would not miss Gu Ning's leg.

"Hold on to me!" Gu Ning shouted at Luo Long, and then his other foot took off into the air and kicked vigorously in the face of the zombie!

The zombie's head was kicked back by Gu Ning, but it was indifferent at all, still grabbing Gu Ning's foot, and at the same time opening its mouth to bite Gu Ning's foot. Gu Ning broke out in a cold sweat, first, he was worried that he would really be torn off by this zombie and fall into the zombie group and be torn to pieces, and second, he was worried that Luo Long would let go, or the third brother would give her a shot on it.

Thinking of this, the force on Gu Ning's feet increased again, and Luo Long was dragged out of the roof of the car by her.

The hand was still tightly wrapped around her ankle, as if it were embedded in it.

Just when Gu Ning was anxious, the force of pulling on his feet suddenly loosened! Gu Ning's whole person was pulled up by Luo Long, Gu Ning subconsciously looked down, and saw Cheng Ming leaning out half of his body, still holding a knife in his hand, it was he who cut off the zombie's forearm!

As soon as Gu Ning got out of trouble, he suddenly got on the roof of the car a few times under Luo Long's pull, and looked at the zombies who were dancing their teeth and claws below, and only felt afraid for a while.

He sat on the roof of the car for a few seconds before he came to his senses, and then immediately took off the gun on his back, nodded gratefully at Luo Long, and then picked up the gun and aimed at the head of the zombie closest to the car door.

Except for the first shot that missed the head, the rest of the bullets all accurately hit the heads of the zombies, and the zombies in the front row fell down in rows like harvested rice, which couldn't help but make Luo Long on the side look sideways.

The third brother was also slightly cold in his heart, if the person holding the gun now was a soldier who had touched the gun for more than five years, then he could still be calm at this time, but Gu Ning was still a girl who hadn't even fired a gun ten minutes ago! Looking at Gu Ning's appearance, she is only twenty years old, how can she not be a person who touches a gun all year round, and her posture with a gun is exactly the same as his. Even putting these aside, just saying that her calm and composure was already surprising, even he was not sure that he would be able to recover in such a quick time after what had just happened, the more this was the case, the more the third brother felt in his heart that Gu Ning was mysterious.

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