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Chapter 50: Sister Hong on Jinyong Thirteenth Street

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85_85664The third brother was startled at first, and then squinted his eyes and said, "This is really dozing off and sending pillows." We couldn't find a reason to kill him, but he sent him to the door himself. Gu Ning, let's go, let's kill people and eat chickens!

Huang Mengyao, Xie Yuhong, and the four soldiers who were originally left behind continued to stay.

Everyone else had guns on their backs and all walked to the back playground.

When I went down to the hall on the first floor, I happened to meet the white wolf who had just come back from outside.

It seems that after they left, they did not set off and returned, but chose to continue hunting for crystal nuclei.

And judging by the smiles on their faces, it should be a good harvest.

At the moment of passing by, Gu Ning saw Yan Yu's resentful eyes staring at him, Gu Ning's eyes flashed slightly, and he had murderous intent.

Xiang Xu whispered, "Several of them have had ability fluctuations, and it should be not long before the ability is activated.

Jia Dao asked shyly, "Is there a mutant line?"

Xiang Xu shook his head and said, "I can't find out this."

The group left the teacher building and went directly to the back playground.

The rear playground is also very lively at this time, and many people are watching.

From a distance, I saw Wang Jizhong standing there on the high platform of the back playground and saying something impassionedly, and the man next to him saw the third brother and his party, and hurriedly reminded Wang Jizhong, signaling Wang Jizhong to look this way, Wang Jizhong stared at the third brother and they walked this way.

On the way, the onlookers who were originally here all made way for the third brother and the others to pass.

I saw a man on the stage reaching out and grabbing a woman's hair and pressing her to the ground and kneeling, the woman's red hair was messily on her head, bleeding from her mouth and nose, her face was covered with blood, and she was full of foul language and swearing.

Li Hongjuan screamed and then scolded the man who kicked people: "I'll grass your mother!"

The third brother snorted coldly: "Wang Jizhong, what do you mean?" There is an agreement between us, if you do something to Gu Ning's people, then don't blame me for tearing up the agreement!

Wang Jizhong sneered and said, "What do I mean? This stinky bitch ran to me to steal chickens! As I said, whoever dares to touch my chicken, I will take someone's life! What a bullshit protocol!

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