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Chapter 7 Police Methods

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A strong high beam hit at 85_85664, and Gu Ning's figure suddenly had no way to escape, so he could only give up the idea of going back to hide first, and flashed to the side to avoid the strong beam.

The off-road vehicle stopped two meters away from Gu Ning, the door was slammed open, and a man about thirty years old with a very rough appearance roared at Gu Ning here: "What are you still doing stunned!" Don't get in the car yet!

Gu Ning was stunned for a moment, this was the second time she had heard this line, and after making sure that the other party was greeting her, she looked at the dozen or so zombies hanging not far behind the car, and only hesitated for a second before running over.

Almost as soon as Gu Ning got into the car with his front foot, the car started again.

Gu Ning looked back and saw that there were at least twenty zombies staggering behind the butt of the car, but the speed was too slow and they were quickly thrown away.

"Gu Ning, are you okay?!" A familiar voice rang out.

Gu Ning was startled, only to find out that the person driving was actually an acquaintance: "Method?!"

There were three people in the car, in addition to being driving, he was still wearing the police uniform, the passenger seat was a short man, and next to him sat a tall rugged man with a stubble face.

The short man in front of him said, "I said you want to stop and save her, so you know each other!"

"Gu Ning, let me introduce you. These two are friends I met on the road, the one next to me is called Lao Wu, and the one next to you is called Lao Liang. After introducing the method, the two of them introduced Gu Ning again: "This is Gu Ning, who is very bold, and he won't call us to cause trouble when he sees zombies."

He still saw Gu Ning more than a month ago, and he walked together for more than a week, at that time Gu Ning had not killed zombies in front of him, but she was bolder than many girls, although she was also afraid when she saw zombies, she would never panic and do some stupid things, and sometimes she could also provide some very useful methods, which left a good impression on the method. Later, they parted ways because of different purposes, but I didn't expect to meet here again today, and the place and time of appearance were also surprising enough: "Gu Ning, why are you still wandering here so late?" Don't want to die? What about your parents and the carload of people?

Gu Ning said succinctly: "Lost."

"Hey! What's that, Miss Gu, what is that you're carrying. Do you have anything to eat? The short man in front had poisonous eyes, and he had been staring at Gu Ning's backpack since he got into the car.

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