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Chapter 54

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85_85664Gu Ning looked at Lu Jiazi and continued: "If you can, I think it's best for us not to meet again in the future."

It's still calm, without the slightest hint of blame or anger.

I don't know why, looking at Gu Ning like this, Lu Jiazi had a sense of powerlessness that could not be done, he rubbed his eyebrows, a little inexplicably irritable, but he still patiently said to Gu Ning: "Ning Ning, I don't know what happened to you in the three months you have been missing, I shouldn't have come today, I should let you rest for a while."

Gu Ning suddenly seemed to remember something, and then asked, "Where are you and Jiang Yu now?"

Lu Jiazi was stunned for a moment, but the original frowning brows suddenly relaxed, and the unconscious tense nerves slowly relaxed, he smiled a little helplessly, and then said, "Are you angry with me because of this?" I have to say that Lu Jiazi is good-looking enough, and when he smiles helplessly, it is easy for people to have the illusion that he is his infinitely tolerated little lover who is being spoiled by him.

Seeing that Gu Ning still didn't speak, he made a gesture of raising his hand in surrender, and then explained: "I haven't made any progress with her, after you met at your house once on your birthday last year, you asked me to send her back." Then she left my number and called a few times once in a while, but she always needed me to give her some advice on her work."

"After you disappeared, she asked me out to talk about your disappearance, and I haven't seen her again. She did express to me that she wanted to develop further, but Gu Ning, I am very busy and have no time to fall in love, and she is not the type I like, so there is no need for you to affect the relationship between us because of an unrelated person, if you are unhappy, I will definitely not answer her phone again" Lu Jiazi subconsciously paused after saying this, he suddenly frowned, he would actually say such a thing? actually made such a promise just because of Gu Ning's little temper

Gu Ning said seriously: "I'm not unhappy. If you two can be together, I'm really happy for the two of you. I'm not joking, I'm not angry, Lu Jiazi, I really don't like you anymore.

She just wondered how Lu Jiazi and Jiang Yu's only intersection was when they happened to meet once on their birthday last year, how did they develop into such a relationship.

And now that there is finally a result, it turns out that Jiang Yu has been in love with Lu Jiazi since that time, and when she clearly knows that she has liked Lu Jiazi for so many years, she still wants to further develop with Lu Jiazi.

In fact, if she had been a little more sensitive at that time, she should have been vigilant a long time ago, but I don't know if Jiang Yu's methods are too superb or if she believes too much in the sisterhood between herself and Jiang Yu, if it is not the end of the world, or until the day when the two of them hold hands and stand in front of her, she will suddenly realize.

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