Chapter 1

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I stay knelt next to Jared. I see Molly carrying a gun, alongside two other people. "I thought you were dead," Tobias, my mom, and I say simultaneously. Zeke stares at Uriah, "How is this possible?" Zeke asks. "We are the Levvergent," Marlene says, "the Bureau gave us our lives back and in exchange we work for them." My heart pounds. If they're working for the bureau that means

They're here to kill us.

"Molly," I say, "it's me Raven. And you know my mom. Him over there, that's my dad. I made it out. And we can help you guys escape the Bureau." She shoots in my direction but misses. "Why would we leave? They gave us our lives back," Molly argues. "They're evil," I tell her.

"No. They aren't the evil ones," Uriah says, "you guys are." I see a tear roll down Zeke's face. His own brother called him evil. Caleb seems confused by everything going on. "How do you know these people, Beatrice?" He asks. "Dauntless," my mom answers.

"Drop your guns," I say, "please. The Bureau is evil." I watch someone punch Marlene. Then Uriah. The three of them become unconscious. Then Molly. In front of us now are Johanna, Peter, and someone else who I can't identify. "Jared," Johanna says. She kneels down beside me next to her dead son. I begin to cry, and Johanna hugs me. "We have to go," she says, "in case more of them come."

She picks up Jared. Zeke takes Uriah, Tobias takes Marlene, and my mom takes Molly. "Run!" Tobias says. We all go for the train, Tobias and Marlene go first. Then Johanna and Jared. Then me. Then my mom and Molly. Then Christina. Then Peter. Then Zeke and Uriah. Then Caleb. And lastly the boy who came with Johanna and Peter. We ride the train to Amity.

"Get ready to jump!" My mom says. We all jump off and run through the forest to get to Amity. "They're under a serum. Well two actually. One can't wear off, which is the revival serum. The bureau recently created it. The other can and will wear off. That is the one similar to the one Dauntless used to attack Abnegation," Johanna explains.

"How do you know so much about this?" I ask, "I had a connection with someone in the Bureau," Johanna answers, "the second serum needs to be re injected every twenty four hours, so we need to find their trackers, take them out, and keep them strapped down until the serum wears off."

Tobias, my mom, and Zeke bring Marlene, Molly, and Uriah to medical beds. They tie them down with ropes. "I know how to remove the trackers so leave that to me," Johanna says. She lies Jared on a bed. I kneel down next to him and gently close his eyelids. "Solvergent best friends forever," I whisper, "no matter what."

I cry into my arm. Tobias kneels down next to me, "I never knew you two were so close," he says. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I wish I could bring him back. At least just for five more minutes," I cry. "I know," Tobias says. My mom comes next to us, "He wouldn't want this to shut you down," she says. She gives me a hug.

I get up, I can tell Peter is sad too. He just doesn't want to admit it. I go next to him, "My only real friend is dead," he says. I sigh and just silently grieve with him. "You guys can stay in the living quarters building," Johanna says. She then begins working on Marlene, Uriah, and Molly.

The rest of us go to a tall building with many rooms. Tobias and my mom take me into one on the second floor. It has two bedrooms and a small living room. I lock myself in one of the rooms. I lay in the bed, just staring at the ceiling.

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