Chapter 10

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I follow Molly and her escorts to the cafeteria. The windows are shattered and it's surrounded by police. Police from the Bureau. I shiver as I pass some of which I know. One of Molly's escorts stops me, "Go back to your parents little girl," he says. "No," I snap, "not until you tell me what your planning on doing to Molly." He shakes his head.

"That's none of your damn business," he rudely answers. "Actually, I do need little Raven to deliver a message," a man says. He walks in from the other side of the room, "Well seems like little Raven Eaton isn't so little anymore," he laughs. "How do you know who I am?" I ask, "Kid, I've known you since you were born," he responds.

"Who are you?" I ask, "Raven, this is my dad. David," Molly says. "Molly, you're safe!" David says. He rushes up to her and hugs her. "These horrible people took you away from me but don't worry I'm here to save you," David says.

"How? By threatening hundreds of people? Says the man who put his own daughter in jail. Oh, and these people aren't the problem it's you, dad. They brought me back to myself. Why? Oh I don't know, maybe I was hijacked to kill anything that moves by my own dad?! You're a murderer, and I don't care if you're my dad I will never respect you. You're a coward," Molly says. Her eyes fill with tears.

My eyes fill with fire at his presence. He trapped my mom and I. He hijacked tons of innocent people. He killed Jared. "Molly is that what these kidnappers have put  in your head? That's nonsense, you have no idea what your talking about. Plus, I put you in jail to protect you," David says. "Oh, shut up. I'm smarter than I look," Molly says.

"Fine. I have no choice but to resort to this," David says, "Molly, if you don't leave and join my side I will shoot Raven in the head right in front of you." My eyes widen. Molly grabs a gun from one of her escort's belts and holds herself at gunpoint. "You touch anyone here and this bullet goes straight through my head," she says.

"You wouldn't," David says, "Try me," Molly says, "they're the only thing I have to lose." David frowns at me, then sighs. "Okay. Your friends will live. But you will stay in the Bureau and will never be allowed out," he offers. Molly raises an eyebrow at him, then looks sadly at me. "Deal. But if I find out one of your officers does anything to hurt anyone here the deal is off and I promise you I will kill myself," she says.

She walks over to me and hugs me, "I will keep my promise. Jared will come back," she whispers in my ear. She walks over to David. "Oh and Raven tell Johanna that we're ready for her," David says. I shiver at his words. How does he know?

"Let's go!" He shouts to all the officers. He handcuffs Molly, "Goodbye," I whisper. I walk away and cry. I hear the cars from the Bureau leave. I go back to my living quarters. My parents both hug me tightly. "Where were you?" My dad asks, "where's Molly?" I wipe my eyes, "Her dad took her," I say.

"Who's her dad?" He asks. "David," I answer, "and if she didn't go with him he threatened to kill me." First Jared now Molly. My dad opens his arms to me. I go into them and cry into his chest. Johanna gives the all clear announcement. I go into my room and look at Molly's perfectly made bed.

On top of it is her journal. I don't touch it, I find it would be disrespectful. I run my fingers over the suede cover, at least I know she is out of harms way. Her dad won't let anything bad happen to her. Hopefully she can bare it for a little while. Except David knows we're coming. He's ready.

I walk out of the room and my mom touches my shoulder, "We'll get her back," she says, "I promise." Everyone is promising me things. Things I don't deserve. I force a smile. I appreciate their consideration towards things that don't concern them. She sits down on the couch, "Hey, I'm going to go tell Peter and Molly's friends what happened," I say, "also I have to tell Johanna something."

I walk out the door and run to Johanna's office. "What happened over there?" She asks, "David took Molly and he knows we're coming," I answer. "Only Molly?" She asks, "Yes. That's the reason they came. She's David's daughter," I say. She gives me a shocked look "He'll use her against us," she whispers.

"I'll have to arrange another army meeting," she says and walks over to a microphone, "Attention everyone who is apart of my army," she starts, "come by my office in two hours." I walk out and go to Peter's living quarters. With him is Zeke, Uriah, Christina, Marlene, and Caleb. "What's up?" Peter says,

"Molly was taken by her dad who is David and David's from the Bureau well actually he's the leader of the Bureau but anyways he threatened to kill me if Molly didn't join him and he knows we're coming and what if he hijacks her and what are we gonna do?!" I say really fast.

"Calm down. We'll figure that out at the meeting. But first we need to loosen you up," Christina says. "Yeah you're so tense," Marlene says. I sigh, "Well who wouldn't be? Imagine your best friend being taken away from you with no knowledge of what's wrong!" I say. "I don't have to imagine that. I've already lived through it," Christina says.

"Well I need to go tell Maya and Grant," I say. "Who the hell are they?" Peter asks, "Molly's friends," I answer. I walk out and find Grant and Maya's living quarters. "I knock on the door and a boy my height answers the door. "Who are you?" He asks, "I'm Raven, and you must be Grant," I say.

"How do you know my name?" He asks, "I'm a friend of Molly's. Actually I'm her roommate," I say. "Speaking of Molly have you seen her?" He asks. I look down, then build up the strength to tell him what happened. His face becomes a combination of fear and sadness. "Maya!" He calls. A girl with his same features comes, "Yes," she asks. He tells her everything that happened, then introduces us to each other.

Grant seems more concerned than Maya. He seems a little too concerned. I see a deep longing in his eyes. A longing that might only be fulfilled by Molly.

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