Chapter 7

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Tobias shakes me awake, "Happy birthday," he says. "You remembered?" I ask, he nods. "Thank you, but it doesn't matter," I say. "If you say so," he sighs, then leaves the room. I look down to see if Molly is awake to find out she isn't. I quietly climb down the ladder. I check the time, there's only an hour until breakfast.

I see my mom on the couch, "Hey," she says. I sit next to her, "Today, fourteen years ago, was the scariest but best day of my life," she says. I laugh, "Best? I seriously doubt that." She shakes her head, "It's true," she says. "So how was training for your group?" She asks. I shrug, "It was fine I guess," I answer, "and you?" "Boring," she says.

"Does Johanna really want to defeat the Bureau or does she only want the revival serum so she can bring Jared back?" I ask.


"And how do we take over?"

"Johanna's going to figure that out for us."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"I have an idea if she doesn't come up with one."

"And that is?"

"We kill David."

"We can't! He's Molly's dad."


"I know. It surprised me too."

"We got Jared to kill Jack. Does Molly care about David?"

"I really don't know."

"He has to be stopped. If we don't kill him then we have to put him in jail."

"Well then we better hope he was bad to Molly."

We hear the breakfast bell and Molly rushes out of our room, "I'm ready!" She says. We walk to the cafeteria together. She sits with her other friends and I sit with Peter. It kind of makes me depressed sitting with Peter. He reminds me too much of Jared.

"You look so tired," I tell him, "Cause I can't sleep," he replies.


"I'm up thinking about Jared. He makes everything better."

"I miss him too. But not for long. I'm going to get him that revival serum."

"How do you know for sure?"

"I don't."

"I wish I could have my memory erased again. So that I don't remember Jared."

"He would want you to remember him. He would want you to think back about him and be happy. All he wants is our happiness. We're the only two people he really cared about."

"Well he's not here anymore, Raven. He told you that when he was alive. When he had thoughts and emotions. Now he's nothing. And we're nothing to him. Because there is no more Jared Kang."

I punch him in the face. He punches my jaw. I raise my hand to throw another punch but Tobias pulls me back. "Hey!" He shouts at us, "what the hell is this?" Peter gets ready to slap Tobias but Uriah pulls him back. The whole cafeteria stares at us. Tobias brings me back to our living quarters, my mom follows.

"What the hell was that?!" My mom asks. "I got mad at him," I say, "So you punched him?! Haven't you heard of just getting up and walking away?" Tobias asks. "He had to pay for what he said," I answer, "Which was?" My mom asks. "He said that Jared means nothing now that he's dead," I say. "He doesn't mean it. He's hurt, just like you," Tobias says. I walk into my room.

I grab the slip of paper Jared gave me. I open it up and it reads:

Hi Raven. Don't forget to smile!

I smile. Not because I want to though. I smile because Jared wants me to. And you know what? I found something to finally live for.


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