Chapter 17

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We all sneak past the Bureau's night patrol. They can't see us that well since we are dressed in all black. Kendall and I run inside and go against a wall. We have to wait for the people in the control room to give us the all clear. After a few seconds I hear a siren go off. I see a look of panic on Kendall's face.

"Shh," I say, "it's going to be okay." She nods and we wait. I see someone approach. Quickly I kick their crotch and punch their face. "That was badass," Kendall whispers. I hear Christina's voice, "All clear," she says. We silently make our way to the lab. A police man comes at me with a taser. I take my gun and knock it out of his hand.

Kendall slaps him then together we knock him out. We keep running, my heart speeds up with every step. We reach the lab door and open it. Two armed officers point their guns at us, "Stop!" One shouts. Kendall and I put our hands up. The officers put their fingers on the triggers of their guns. I hear two gunshots and look down, expecting to see blood draining out of me.

But I don't. Instead I see the officers on the floor, and behind them is Molly with a gun in her hand. "Damn, I'm good," she says. I run to hug her, "Thank you," I say. She hugs me back, "Okay, the lab is clear, go!" She says. Kendall and I run in, I can tell she is as shocked as me. "We found Molly," I say into my earpiece. Kendall and I look around and find a shelf labeled 'Revival'.

"Take as many as you can," I say. We grab them and put them inside a pouch in our jackets. "We got it!" Kendall says into her earpiece. I feel two hands feel my shoulder, and Kendall points her gun up. The hands are removed from me. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you," a boy says. "And we're supposed to trust you?" Kendall asks. "Yes. Because I'm friends with Tris Prior," the boy says, "I'm Matthew."

"Again. We're supposed to trust you?" Kendall asks. "I guess you just will," he says, "because I know this place inside and out. Not something you can say for yourself." Kendall and I look at each other. Then we hear something from our earpieces, "We shut down the system controlling the levvergents," my dad says.

Moments later the sound of alarms fills the room along with the sound of footsteps. "What's the quickest way to the jail?" I ask Matthew, "There's a door in the back there, it'll take you through the walls the second door will have you right in front of the door to the jail," he says. Kendall and I follow his instructions.

Once we reach the jail door we grab the keys to the cells and run in. We split up and unlock all the cell doors, everyone thanks us and runs. I triple tap my side "We released the prisoners I say," then Kendall and I run out of the jail. Molly comes out from behind a corner, "We need to go my, dad is trying to run," she says, "we need to go to his office and put him in jail."

Kendall triple taps her knee, "Molly, Raven, and I are going to David's office," she says into her earpiece. "You're willing to put your own dad in jail?" I ask, "As much as it hurts me to do so, he needs to be controlled," she Molly says. She leads us to his office and Kendall and I get our guns ready to fire at any time.

"Molly," David says, "you brought the rebels with you." Kendall and I point our guns at him and he puts his hands up. "You're done David. You have no one and nothing. So you have two options. Either you tell us what's up with the rest of the world and only have to face jail or don't, and I'll shoot your ass," I say.

"Where did this question come from?" He asks, "Well you obviously know, so talk or a bullet becomes airborne," Kendall says. I triple tap my hip, "We have David," I say quietly. Within seconds my parents show up, "These girls want to know about the rest of the world," David laughs. My parents don't budge but hold their guns at him.

"I don't know if you taught your little brat this, but she shouldn't ask questions she doesn't want the answers to," David laughs. "What do you mean?" I ask. "The rest of the world is in refuge from the war that just ended," he says. "Didn't it end years ago?" Molly asks.

"No," David says, "you see the bureau was in a war with the rest of the world. They were fighting to free you guys. So the war you thought ended, had only just begun."

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