. 6

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When i regained conciousness, i was in the hospital with an oxygen mask.

Noooo. I hate and i mean hate being admitted in the hospital. And the oxygen is just making things worse.

The room was very dark because the curtains were closed and the light was switched off.

After laying down for some minutes, i got tired so i pressed the button for the nurse.

Seconds later a nurse walked in with ya ammar behind her and the first thing he did was laugh when he saw my face.

"I hate you." I don't know if he heard me because of the mask.

"Stop sulking. You look like you're about to sink into the bed.

The glare i was sending his way was not affecting him in any way.

" How are you feeling?" I nodded my head. I was feeling better. No pains, no cramps, just slight headache.

I want to go home.

"Ina mama?" That was the first thing i asked when she removed the mask.

"She went home to freshen up."

"When am i going home?"

"In two days time."

Mene? Two days? For what.

"Relax arwa chai. Har zakiyi kuka. We're leaving before maghrib."

Innalillahi im so relieved. I dont mind taking drugs or injections, i just dont like the atmosphere of the hospital. I had a terrible experience when i was young.

I have a very good memory so i remember the images very clearly. We visited Baba's family house in kaduna for holiday. Then we had to go greet someone in the hospital not knowing there has been a terrible accident and the patients were rushed to the same hospital.

The sight of so many dead bodies and blood at such young age was traumatizing. I got better but i only go to the hospital when i have to see someone,preferably a baby or someone very close to me.

"What's the time?"

"Its some minutes past 2."

Wait. So I've been unconscious for almost a whole day. Wow. No wonder im better.

"Im hungry and my hand is paining me. " I mumbled. Wallahi i want to go home.

"They'll remove it soon. For the food, im not sure what exactly it is but I'll call khairat for you."

I didn't even answer him because wallahi I'm annoyed. Baba should come and talk to them.

"Darliiinnggg kin tashi." Fatima walked in with khairat behind her.

They both hugged me even though i didn't hug them back. My face was frowned and im sure my eyebrows were almost touching .

"You're leaving soon, dont worry." I dont know if its my face thats making them laugh, but whatever it is, its not funny.

I looked over to khairat who was plating some rice that almost made me drool while Fatima helped me to the restroom so i could brush my teeth.

We left the hospital some minutes after 5. The drive home was quick because i was a bit sleepy.

How will i be able to sleep after how long i slept

"Sweetheart, you're looking better."

"Yes mama im better." I hugged her back savoring the lingering smell of turaren wuta in the air.

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