. 31

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After my little moment, i dragged myself back to my room with a heavy heart. I need some sort of distraction, to get my head off a specific XY chromosome. Thankfully, basma barged into my room looking like a mess. From the veil thrown over her hair to her smudged make-up.

"Before i say anything, i need to use the bathroom." I nodded in shock as she entered the bathroom. I used the opportunity to dish a meal for her.


"Naam." I blinked from where i sat on the floor.

"Na shiga uku. My life.... Is crumbling."

"Lafiya? Why will you say that?"

"Haaeww God. Arwa im in trouble." On normal circumstances, it could've been funny the way she was acting, but she actually looked serious. I managed to lead her to sit on the bed and got her to drink some water.

"Whats wrong?"

"I dont even know where to start from."

"From anywhere. Im listening."


No, no. Focus arwa.

"You remember my talking stage, usman, from bauchi." I nodded.

She met the guy some months back. He didn't exactly tell her he likes her, but the signs were very clear.

"Meya faru dashi?"

"Wai arwa. Day before yesterday we were on the phone haka, he was telling me that shi he wants to meet baba, menene menene, as per joke nau, nace mashi toh shikenan, i thought he was joking. Arwa, wai jiya ina gidan goggo kawai brothen baba ya kira ni, wai ai anzo an kawo sadaki."  We both let out a scream at the same time.

What the hell?

I looked at her with wide eyes and sealed mouth, she was staring right back at me, then another scream.

"Wait, are you joking?" Just to make sure.

"Im not." She whispered with tearful eyes. I didnt even know what to do apart from hug her.

"Shh shh." I kept rubbing her back as i felt her tears roll down my neck.

"Arwa what will i do nau?"

"Wait first, yanzu, what exactly is the problem?" She didnt answer me, just kept looking at me with suspicious eyes.





Dont tell me

"It's not what im thinking koh? Not that idiot." She nodded with pursed lips.

"Kutumar babbar burauba." I threw her off my body and stood up faster than i thought i could.

"Basma. Are you okay? Someone that has forgotten about you? Har yanzu you haven't moved on from that alien looking he-goat. Kinsan Allah..... " Her loud laugh stopped me mid sentence.

"Arwa calm down. Tsaya tukunna." I slapped her hand that was trying to hold me.

"Do i look like im joking?"

"I know you're not arwa. Wallahi wasa nake maki. Allah. Haba arwa, kaman wata mahaukaciya. I was joking wallahi."

Not so fast. "Swear."

"Wallahi tallahi. I swear." I clicked my tongue.

"Allah yaso ki."

I sat back down "toh whats the problem."

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