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"Thank you doctor."

I dabbed the area on my arm where he injected before discarding the cotton wool

"Have you reached a decision?" I sighed but kept shut

I haven't

But i have decided I'm going to tell umma, and ill carry on with anything she decides

"Mr sa'ad, i still don't think you realize how serious the issue is. Its about your health, health concerning heart,nothing is more important than that. Please sa'ad, im not saying this as your doctor, im saying this as a friend, perhaps father figure, get to a conclusion."

"I will. Nagode." I nodded and grabbed my coat before exiting the hospital

I had to spend the last three nights in the hospital, because my body was just going crazy

And i had to lie to my parents that i had an emergency meeting in another state

I've concluded i was going to tell umma but i didn't know how i was going to tell her

I cant just walk up to her and be like 'umma i have a deadly heart disease and i need surgery if not ill die soon'


The reason im going to tell her even is because these three days, i realized how serious the condition is

I couldn't stand on my own, couldn't eat without vomiting it back, constant migraine and dizzyness, then excruciating chest pain

It felt like i was being stabbed in the place over and over again

If im going to heal from this sickness, then Allah ya qara min dauriya

If not kuma, nevermind

I wanted to go home so i could rest, but arwa is back home, and seeing as i haven't spoken to her since the incident, i had to go now

My car was low on fuel and i stopped to get some. There, i saw a woman trying to get her cylinder back to her car and i helped

I was able to place it in the car for her but when i got inside my car, i thought i was going to pass out

Daga daukan cylinder

He did warn me not to carry anything with force

As i drove to arwa's place, i couldn't help but wonder how she's feeling

I hope she's much better because i really failed her

The least i could do was call her but i couldn't

All those thoughts flew away when ammar opened the front door for me with a hard frown on his face

"What are you doing here?"


"I hope you're not here to see my sister?"

"I am." My voice was a whisper above an octave but he heard me

"After ignoring her for five days, you have the audacity to come here, and claim you love her right?" His voice was high now

What is wrong with ammar?

He has never acted this way, but then, i deserved it

"Ammar please just let me see her, we'll discuss this afterwards."

I made the move to walk forward and past him, but using both his hands, he pushed me backwards

The action was unexpected and well, im not fit anymore, so i almost tripped and fell, but I was able to steady myself.

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