. 9

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25th November

I shivered when i dropped my leg on the floor, it was so cold and i forgot to wear some socks before going to sleep. I recited my morning adhkar and brushed my teeth before unplugging my phone.

It was 9am and sa'ad's meeting is by 11am. I dialed his number but he rejected and called me back immediately.

"Happy birthday to youuuuu. Happy birthday to youuuuu. Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to youuu."

"Thank you." I chuckled tying my curly hair in a bun.

"How old are you noww? How old are you now...."

"Im... "

"Shut up im not done." He can be so childish at times. Im not complaining, i love it.

"How old are you dear arwa, how old are you nowww? Ehn you can answer now."

"Im 20 years old now." I also sang back.

"You're old. I don't like old ladies."

"Well that's too late now, koh nayi qarya? "

"Bakiyi bah. Happy birthday my love."

I can never get used to his romantic side, its so sweet.

"Thank you."

"Im sorry. You might have expected a long paragraph with big big words."

"I would trade all that for your song."

"Look at you being romantic."

"You're a good teacher. "

He chuckled and i heard a bit of shuffling. "Indeed i am."

"Are you ready?"

"I am. But im nervous. Baba told me its going to be like a conversation something, they're not gonna ask me questions, just a dialogue. I hope."

"Even if they do or dont, you'll pass. How will they refuse you, haba no. Basu isa ba ai."

"Kar ki tada kaina mana."

"Ai dole na. Dont worry, you can do it."

He let out a puff of air before he replied. "Thank youu. Ya bilki wants to wish you."

Ya bilkisu is his eldest sister and the nicest person in that house. She's like a mother figure and carries everyone along even though she's a bit far.

"Ina kwana yaya."

"Arwa my dear, happy birthday."

"Thank you so much yaya."

"You're welcome. Inaya and haniya wanted to sing for you but sa'ad didn't want them to go first, yanzu sunyi fushi, they said they wont sing again."

Inaya and haniya, her two lovely daughters. They're 6 and 10 years old.

"Allah sarki. Kai sa'ad. Where are they?"

"Aunty arwa." They both spoke at the same time. They're so cute.

"My babiesss."

"Uncle Ad didn't allow us to sing for you."

"Dont mind uncle Ad. I would you guys to sing for me." They literally screamed before they started singing. I thanked them after they were done, and you could hear the happiness in their voice. How can someone dislike children? When they're not being naughty i mean.

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