. 34

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Whoever's calling me by this time better be important, because i just got into a deep sleep after being awake all night and morning. I didn't bother looking at the id when i rumbled a 'what'


I let out an exhausting sigh. Farha.

"What do you want?"

"Im perfectly fine, thank you for asking."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Ouu, who got you so worked up?"

"Im not asking you again." She just laughed. Stupid psycho.

"You know adnan, for a guy who so much claims to protect arwa, you're a doing a bad job. Leaving her unprotected and all. Come on now."

I was on my feet before she could complete her sentence. "What did you do?"

"Why dont you come to me and ask me? Cause I'll tell you."

I hissed before hanging up the phone. She's not worth my time, but i know how crazy she is, i just hope she didn't do anything stupid.

Thankfully i was able to get to arwa on time. She was okay, counting out the injury on her ankle, and oh that made me furious, and farha needs to know that. I got to the address she sent me, a motel, of course.

She knew id come, because she was at the door before i could get my hand on it.

"Hi love." Her sick smile. How in the hell did i fall for that years back.

"Look, i came here to know exactly what you want, because it clearly isnt me, you made that clear."

"Oh, you're still hurt about that. I get it, she's your little distraction, isnt she?" How i wish i could punch the stupid pout off her face.

"I know you sweetheart. And i know the kind of things you like, it definitely isnt her. So just tell me the truth, you're planning on hurting her aren't you? Cause ill make it easy for you. Whats a little blood more to add?" That made my vein tick, and she was by the wall off her feet deprived of air in the blink of an eye.

"Let me make something clear with you, i love her. I dont care how hard it'll be, and i most definitely dont care how many times ny hands get dirty, as long as i get to keep her safe. And that includes getting rid of you." Despite her facade of appearing strong, the tears pooling in her eyes gave her off. "Leave her alone, do you understand me?"

"Ive missed seeing you like this." Crazy bitch.

"Am i clear?" I applied more pressure, making sure shes vulnerable.

"Yes, yes." I eyed her intensely before releasing her, making her choke on air.

I knew she was lying. It'll take a lot more than that to get farha to stop what she intends.

"Its cute for you to think that she'll be the only one ill hurt. I meant my words adnan, leave her. She makes you happy, and ive sworn on my life never to see you happy. I want you to rot of loneliness and despair, till you cant take it anymore."

"Why arwa? You could've hurt hanan? Why her specifically?" I know she knows hanan, she knows everything she wants to know.

"Come on adnan. You didnt love her, you didn't even care for her. She was just a proof of your generosity, but arwa, she brings out the best in you. I HATE THAT."

I ignored her, knowing every single thing she was saying is true.

"Thats not the only reason you're back. Is it your dad? Its because of him right?" That was it. Her weakness. I didnt have time for fathom the anger in her eyes when i felt the piercing of something sharp below my stomach. Where the hell did she hide that?

"Ive warned you love." She walked back in shutting the door.

I groaned as i got the pocket knife out of my skin, pressing hard on the wound to avoid blood. Idiot.


How is this possible?

"Saad?" The whispered words left my mouth same time the tears dropped from my eyes.

The eyes, the face. No.

"Im sorry, have we met before?" That broke me out of my reverie. I stumbled back unable to stand on my own, but he helped me.

"Careful." The warm smile. Is this a joke?

"Im zayn. You are?"

I blinked my eyes repeatedly. "Arwa. I apologize for my behavior, its... You just... Youre.... You resemble someone close."

"Oh thats perfectly fine. Do you need some help? A ride?" He pointed down at my wrapped ankle.

"Yes please, thank you so much." Ill text them to meet me at home and tell them i was suffocated here. Meanwhile i knew that wasn't the case. He's not saad, that's clearly obvious, but i still want to spend some time with him. The resemblance is too striking.

He helped me back to the room to pick my belongings and led me to his car. Now i know i shouldn't be following a stranger but my senses of reasoning weren't functioning well at the moment.

"So, what happened to your leg?"

"Oh, i got in a little accident, nothing serious."

"Allah ya tsare." I chuckled because his hausa accent was poor.

"You said i resembled someone close?"

I fiddled with my fingers. "Yeah. He's late." How i wish he wasn't.

"Subhanallah, may his soul rest in peace." I whispered an ameen.

"Your brother?" I inhaled deeply.

"No, my fiance."

"Oh my God, thats so sad. Must've been hard to move on."

Have i? I mean yeah i said i have but if i had would i have reacted when i saw him?

"I haven't."

"Its not easy, but you will, eventually." He kept the conversation going and i learnt some things about him. He moved from ireland recently with his mom. In no time we were parked outside our gate and he helped me get down.

"Can i get your number? So i could call you later on?" I dialed it in without hesitation, and he caught me off guard when he opened his arms which i gave into. I mean it'll be rude to reject his hug, right?

But what brought me out of my thoughts was the sound of adnan's prado parking opposite us. Khairat and hauwa got down with confused looks while Adnan looked, i dont know, i couldn't place a hand on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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