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"Daga min veil mana"

"Please who has seen my charger"

"Eii ive spilled drink on my dress."

"Who is that walking around with towel."

All of us were running up and down helter skelter

The knot was tied very early, around 11am

We're now set to leave for Abuja where the budan kai will take place

But hauwa has been crying pacific ocean up and down

I cant even imagine how she's feeling honestly

Even though her parents' main house is in Abuja, people said they'll still be a difference of not being at home

We left kaduna around 12pm but there was an accident on the way so we arrived by 4:30pm

I absolutely adored how they welcomed all of us, and how they openly showed their love for the newest addition to the family

She's so lucky to have nice in-laws

They did the budan kai stuff in his mom's living room before we got ready for the dinner

Lord knows im exhausted but its hauwa

Every pain will be worth it because im sure if it was mine, she would've put double effort

The dinner was also very nice

From the decoration, to the meals, to how organized it was. Everything

My favorite part was the game that was played between the couple

"Who made the first move?"

With a shy smile from hauwa and a wide one from her husband, they both raised the bride tag

She made the first move by rizzing him up and collecting his snapchat handle

This girl has liver oo

At least it has a fruitful ending

"Who said i love you first? "

Againnn they both raised the bride tag

Hauwaa oo

But i love her confidence

Not all girls will be willing to be straight forward

"Who is more romantic?"

We all guessed that right


This girl can flirt

Oh my God

"Who met the in-laws first?"

Who is it?


She met them in the hospital when her father was ill

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