. 30

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I was already running late and i still had so much to do. I haven't even showered and i just got halfway through with the food im preparing.

Its a day to ramadan, and it was at the last minute we got to know that Baba's sister and his mom, thats my aunt and grandmom are spending the whole of ramadan with us, and also stay for the wedding completely. Kill me

I couldn't hold back my chuckle when mama fake cried placing her head on the counter

"I want to run away."

Me too mama, me too

"Time will pass by fast, dont worry mama. You'll be fine."

Mama's relationship with Baba's family is well, complicated. THEY are complicated as a whole so. Those kind of people that always have to find a fault in something you do, thats them.

There was once a huge fight because there was this wedding in kaduna, we were in school so mama had to go alone, but she was unable to get the exact anko for the wedding, so she just wore her casual lace, just normal dressing yeah?

Baba that was in Lagos, was called and was told that mama is trying to differentiate herself from them, sabida ta fito gidan masu kudi, that's why she wants to disgrace them

On top anko fah

But thankfully baba put a stop to it, and set some sort of boundary-like between them, which brought around peace

"You're trying to make me feel better."

"Yes i am, come here." I opened my arms wide enough for her to fall into.

"It'll be fine."    "Thank you." Her words were muffled as i pat her back.

"I want to go and sleep for some time before they arrive, theres around two hours ma, yanzu suka fito ai. Bye."

I turned back to the dambu i was making, trying to finish up on time because basma said shes coming, and im escorting fatima to the hospital.

"Ah ah, su maratussaliha ba dama."

"Dalla go and shower. Ka cika mutane da wari kawai."

"Youre in trouble kuwa, im not leaving until you're done."

"Seh kayi ta tsayuwa ai, aiki ya ganka."

He kept walking up and down, doing random things to get my attention

Not today

"Your phone is ringing. Adnan." I didnt even realize.

"Help me pick please, my hands are stained."

They exchanged greetings briefly before he placed the phone on my ear. I supported it with my shoulders and continued the job at hand.

"Kina gida?"

"Is that the first thing you're supposed to say? "  I was not offended a bit knowing how adnan is, but someone needs to be correcting this arrogant of a man

"Im sorry, ina driving neh. Ina kwana?"

I chuckled. So petty. "Lafiya lau. Ya gida?"

"Alhamdulillah. I just left musa's house neh, im going to garki, i thought of asking if you're home."

"Oh, yeah, ina gida."

"Alright. Im be outside in like 20 minutes."

"Sannu google map."

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