. 15

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I dropped my pen on the desk with a sigh and held my head with my hands

Im sitting but im feeling very drowsy

And then my head is hurting like hell

I really dont know whats wrong with me because ive been experiencing it for some weeks now

I thought it was just stress and ignored it

But its persistent

I can be laying down all day but ill be so weak

Unnecessary sweating from nowhere

Even chest pain

Very painful chest pain

Ill have to go to the hospital soon and see whats wrong

When i felt better after some minutes, i decided to walk around for a bit

"Am i interrupting you?" I peeped my head into hassan's office

My friend and co-worker

This guy was even sitting on the couch, legs crossed, sipping a drink with his phone in his hand

Thats another thing i love about this office

Its very flexible

"Im having me time." I hissed and kicked his legs down

"So how far? What's happening?'

I planked down opposite him and removed my tie

Its so hot

"Nothing is happening apart from an annoying client."

He laughed knowing how hard it is when we get clients of such nature

"It'll pass karka damu. "

We dived into a different topic until my phone dinged

It was arwa's text

"Did you leave the office already? "

My brows furrowed in confusion

"No not yet, im with hassan."

"Oh okay tohm shikenan. Text me when you're home."

I replied her before placing the phone back in my pocket

I left the office some minutes to zuhr and went back to my office to perform ablution

Just for me to enter and see arwa and her cousins, hanif and hanifa

This girl

"Uncle saad."

I narrowed my eyes at her and she chuckled just as hanif ran to me while hanifa was seated on arwa's laps

I picked him up then walked over to them

"Ina wuni." Arwa and hanifa said at the same time

Hanifa greeting me, i understand. The children are very well mannered

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