. 33

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"Yep there's finally some peace and quiet in the house."

"Mashallah. What of the children?"  Fatima asked over the phone.

I was making some final touches on my new room, since all the guests are gone now. From eid, then the wedding, its been a hectic rollercoaster. At some point, i left the house to aunty hamida's house because of the crowd. Even when the bride came, after the budan kai and all, these people did not leave, they took their sweet time.

But currently, im the only one home. Baba and aunty(as i call her), went to umrah while mama paid herself a relaxing trip to Italy. Woman power i tell you. Meanwhile ya ammar had to go to kaduna for a friend's wedding, but he's on his way back. Then, the three children that were supposed to move in with us, were told to hold for a while. Yaya even told me that baba said they were contemplating about it. However the case might be though.

"Fati lemme call you back, someone's at the door."

I threw an abaya and covered my head with a veil before rushing to open the door. But i was met with an unknown face. She looked deep in thought. I cleared my throat which brought her out of her reverie.

"Assalamualaikum." I answered her with a smile mirroring the one she gave me.

"Arwa koh?" I nodded with a questioning look. She laughed it off "Im firdausi's cousin. I came to drop off a package for her.

Realization hit me. We're not the only ones living in the house now, so we should expect new faces.

" Im so sorry. Please come in." I led her to the smaller living room and served her some snacks and drinks.

"But they're not home ai, sunyi tafiya three days back."

"Yeah nasani. I wont be around when she's back neh, thats why i wanted to drop it off for her." I gave her a warm smile.

"Daga wa zance mata?" I asked her when she stood up to leave.

"Dont worry. Ive spoken with her."  I bid her and plopped down on the couch.

I really dont know how to feel about this wedding. I mean the woman is nice and all, but its still wierd. Especially when we've spent all our lives together, it feels different.

I prayed zhuhr before heading out to get some take outs, which im in the mood for. But when i got there, there was no parking space so i had to park in the underground space. Its a distance for me to trek but oh well.

Adnan's call came right as i came down from the car.

"Look who remembered me?"

"Where are you?" He sounded tense

"Adnan, whats wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, but kina ina?"

"I came to get takeouts, from celia."

"Are you okay? Nothing's wrong? You're alone?"  Im getting really worried at this point.

"Yes im alone. And im fine, but what happened, you're scaring me?"

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