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"Arwa, im not joking, this guy was talking in billions. Nace sir a kawo coffee neh?"

While basma was narrating how handsome, rich and in love she was with her boss, i was at the brink of dying because of laughter

After praying Maghrib, and another series of laughs, i was on my way home

But i made a last minute decision to get some canvas for a new painting i saw

I quickly purchased it but then i got stuck in traffic

None of the cars were moving

"Mtseww, what's wrong neh wai? "

I hissed for like the 30th time before i texted mama, and told her i was stuck in traffic but ill be back soon

I checked the map, and luckily there was a short cut that'll lead me to a road very close to home

I didn't think twice before i reversed and rerouted because i really don't like staying out late, alone for that matter

The shortcut tho was quite and dark and deserted

Only the lights of my car were flashing

I was contemplating turning around, when a black hilux sped past me


Wannan saurin me yakeyi haka

Then two more hiluxes

I was feeling scared now

My hands were starting to shake

"Its nothing, its nothing, maybe convoy neh. Relax arwa."

I grabbed my phone while adding some speed, to dial someone and let them know my location

Just in case

Baba was the first person on my favorite list so i dialed him immediately

Thankfully he picked on the first ring

"B..b.baba im on my way home, can someone please come outside to get me, im at....."

I couldn't complete my sentence because i was hit from behind making the car to screech and stop, and my car door was opened immediately

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun

I was able to see a man in a black mask before i was grabbed out


I stared at the paper in my hand for the umpteenth time

At first, it looked like some bunch of words, but after the doctors sitting in front of me explained what it was, i didnt know what to think or say

Artherosclerotic heart disease/Coronary artery disease

"The main blood vessels are narrowed, limiting blood flow to your heart."

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