. 22

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When i regained consciousness, there were so many people hovering on my head

They were suffocating me

I used my hand to indicate they move back, and thankfully they understood

I could breathe better

After making sure i was better, i turned and the first person i saw was yaya ammar next to me

Any grudge or anger i had towards him didn't matter at the moment

I fell into his hands and cried

I cried my heart out

I cried thinking of which illness could make sa'ad like this

I cried thinking of the pain he must be going through

I cried thinking of when and if he'll get better

I cried, and thankfully no one stopped me

I needed to let it out

Ya ammar raised me from his chest and held my face "He'll be fine. In shaa Allah. We have to pray for him."

That statement just made me burst out in tears again, to the extent that my head was banging

My migraine was coming with full force, but that was the least important thing at the moment

Mama also held me and assured me everything will be fine, khairat also

They helped me wipe my face before we walked back to where others were

Umma moved so i could sit next to her

I wondered how she was managing everything

Even though her eyes were bloodshot, she was still calm

No matter how close i am to sa'ad, or how much i love him

She is his mother

She birthed him

Her only son

Seeing him in that condition, and remaining calm like that, made the respect i had for her much higher

His sisters also

How were they taking everything in?

She turned to me with a small smile and held my hand that didn't have a cast

"He asked of you earlier?"

I also held tightly onto her hand

I couldn't reply her

She is a warrior

"Did you speak to him?"

I shook my head no

"Do you want to?"

"I do. Will they allow me?"

"Of course yes. I'll take you in when his dad comes out, he just went in."

I nodded

"Keep calm and speak to him, kinji? He would've never wanted to see us panicking."

We waited for few minutes before abba walked out accompanied by his brother and wives

The man that was always so brave, was wailing

This life is really a test


I kept holding onto her hand as we walked in

The room was a bit brighter, and there was no oxygen on his mouth now

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