. 27

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I walked into mama's room and saw her sitting on the floor as ya ammar was massaging her head

I smiled at him and he returned it before sitting next to mama

"Mama, dan Allah adnan is coming now."

She opened her eyes to glare at me "why are you asking me kaman zan zane ki. Hes always welcome mana."

Ya ammar chortled and continued what he was doing

I huffed and hugged my legs to my chest. I wanted to ask if they also knew about it but it was obvious they did

"Go and get ready." I looked at her in confusion

"Wont you change your clothes? Haka zakije mashi kamar yar aiki? Go and wear something else."

Nothing was wrong with my abaya but I nodded and dragged my legs to my room, knowing mama will still pressurize me to change, so there was no use arguing

I changed into a buba with its matching veil, then went to the kitchen to distract myself before he arrives

His call came through right after i placed the zobo,fruits and snacks on a tray

I kept it in the living room before going outside to usher him in

I walked him in not saying anything apart from the greetings

He sat on the carpet and i also did so opposite him

He has a habit on sitting on the floor, and when i asked him why he does it, he said he's more comfortable like that, and he's already used to it

Mama came downstairs and they exchanged pleasantries before she went back up

"Waya taba min keh?"

On a normal day, ill just laugh his statement off, but today was different. My heart skipped a bit

No, no, no

Please no

"Ba kowa." I mumbled playing with my bare fingers

Im sure he's already used to my mood swings by now

Wallahi i wasn't like that before, but now, one minute im annoyed, the next minute im crying

"When are you getting henna done?"

"Im dragging basma to go tomorrow." He nodded and was about to sip the zobo, but he turned to look at me

I knew what that meant so i nodded

I made it myself. He is a very picky eater. Not exactly a picky eater, but he reacts to certain things very easily, he's also allergic to alot of things, like pineapple, mango, cinnamon, wheat, even nut, yes every kind of nut, cashew nut, peanut, harda coconut

Yan uwan yan gayu

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" I nodded

"Have you eaten?" I nodded again

"Have you spoken to baba about the school?"

"Not yet. Don't worry, Nothing's wrong with me, there's just something on my mind." He slowly nodded

Another thing about Adnan is, if its not his business, he'll never ask you. He respects boundaries alot

"I went to meet umma today."

He nodded his mouth full with samosa

"Mashallah. How are they? This is very tasty by the way."

"They're fine."

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