. 25

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15 months later

Arwa's pov

"Dalla yanzu zamu fito kar ku dame ni."  I chuckled before hanging up

Hauwa, fatima, and basma have been waiting for I and khairat for almost an hour now, but khairat has been delaying me.

We are supposed to help fatima for her ramadan shopping, which is in 9 days, then get dresses for I and basma's graduation which is in a week time.

Yes, we're finally graduating. Im honestly so relieved

I hate that school

With passion

I always disliked going, but then after my accident incident and saad's death, when i resumed, there were different rumours, i got people's attention, which i hated

You can imagine two girls in 200 level came to confirm if it was true that i was raped and thats why saad died from heart attack

No but why? Why? Why?

Why would someone decide to start a rumor like that?

From then, i started missing classes, ill go weeks without setting foot in the school, which made my GPA drop

But alhamdullilah im graduating with second class lower

And with the way i slacked, i was even very contented

Everyone assured me that it was very okay, i shouldn't stress myself

Also yes, fatima got married 6 months back. The same day it was fixed because they said it was no use postponing the wedding

It was a very calm wedding. No events completely

The knot was tied around 11am, after zuhr prayer she was taken directly to her house. His family went there to see her, and by maghrib everyone was gone

It was quite but we all loved it that i couldn't help but hope for mine to be like that

Then, hauwa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, safar, complete definition of cuteness

Then saad's death

We are all much better, but it still hurts as much

Its impossible to forget about him or anything related to him, just that there's no more constant crying, we've all accepted that what he needs most is prayers

"Khairat if you dont want them to come and skin us alive, we have to leave now. Me kike yi ne ma?" I walked into the kitchen to see her pacing up and down

"Yawwa, you're here. We'll leave now. I just need to talk to you." She dragged my hand and made me sit on the stool

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Well sort of, i think. Im really not sure, and im panicking." She groaned before placing her head on the table, the same time yaya ammar walked into the kitchen

"Yawwa, zo gatanan." He nodded before sitting next to her, making both of them sit opposite me

"You guys are acting weird, did something happen?"

I was beginning to get scared as i looked at their faces

"First of all, we dont want you to get upset. Okay? And... "

"Please just get to the point, im beginning to panick."

"Im sorry, im sorry. Uhm.... We..... We want to start dating, i mean we basically are, but we needed your consent."

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