01; ice cream

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[irl, messages ]

"hey do you want to play with me and brothers?" five year old matt asked isabel. "your brothers?" isabel asked.

"yeah, we're playing tag." matt smiled which made isabel smile. "yes i like tag."

isabel and matt walked over to the two boys standing under the tree. "guys this is..what's your name?" matt looked at the girl next to him. "isabel or isa." she smiled.

"hi isa." chris waved. "hi isa, i'm nick and that's chirs." nick smiled and isabel smiled back. "hi."

the four kids ran around chasing each other until their teacher told them it was time to go in.

after that day the four have been attached at the hip specially matt and isabel.


lu are busy?
fine i will someone else to go with🙄
delivered 2:15pm

ok i was joking lu
seriously what's going on?
did someone kill you?
seen 2:20pm

someones obsessed with me😝sorry i was sleeping
you better not go with someone else!
and no one killed me you can't get rid of me😘

i'm not obsessed with you loser
i wasn't going with anyone else but you🙄
can you like be ready i'm coming to pick you up

sure you aren't 😚
you better not
and where are we going matt

to see saw x

matt no😟
not that one

yes lu that one😁

no matt can we watch like paw portal

no. you can just stay at my house

fine i guess
but can we get food after

yes lu ofc
lulu❤️ loved this message

i'm here
hurry up
read 2:50pm

isabel threw on matt's hoodie and walked out her room to say bye to her mom and sister. she walked out to see matt in his car. "hi matty." isabel smiled. "hi lu." he pulled out the driveway.

they talked and sang to songs on the way the movies. when they got there they got popcorn, candy and slushy to share. they found the theater they were supposed to be in and found their seats.

"lu nothing even happened yet." matt said to the girl trying to hide in her hoodie. "but i don't like movies like this." matt didn't say anything he just grabbed isabel's hand and intertwined their hands together.

"i'm right here lu." he squeezed her hand. isabel looked at their hands and laid her head on his shoulder.

"yay we can leave now." isabel got up. "you didn't watch the movie." matt rolled his eyes. "yeah but i made it to the end." she smiled.

they got in the van and matt drove to canes since it still opened and isabel loves it. they got their food and parked in the parking lot while they ate their food.

the two were talking when matt's phone started ringing. the nicks name came on the screen.

"matt can you get some ice cream on way home." nick asked his brother. "please cause me and chris wanted to make banana splits but we don't have ice cream. "yeah anything else?" matt asked his older brother. "no just the ice cream, and is isa coming home with you?"

"yes i am nick." isabel smiled. "yes sleepover." nick screamed on the phone. "yeah just me and lu not you two." matt said. "don't be mean matthew." isabel playfully pushed him.

"whatever we will see you a little bye." matt said. "bye isa!" nick said as matt hung up the phone call.

matt and isabel walked in the sturniolo kitchen to see chris and nick showing each other tik toks. it wasn't til matt set the ice cream on the counter when both boys looked up. "isaaaaa!" chris got up and hugged isabel. "hi chris." she hugged him back.

"are you guys gonna make banana splits with us?" chris asked walk over to nick who already making his. "yeah we'll probably just share one." isabel said grabbing a bowl.

isabel made a banana split for her and matt while matt watched her interact with two boys on either side of her. "here we go matty." isabel held up the bowl to him. "thank you lu." he smiled at the girl.

✩ ⁏ ✰

a/n: i feel like that was a lot for first part :/

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