12; told you it wasn't going to end well

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it was finally friday after school the group went to the triplets house to film a baking challenge video for their channel. "okay guys today we're goi-" nick was cut off by chris. "get off me kid." chris pushes matt away from him. "can you two stop." nick rolled his eyes at his brothers. "well this kid is breathing down my fucking neck like a weirdo." chris defends. "okay can we get back to this video." jay says from the other side of nick. "yeah so today we are doing a baking challenge with jay, val and isa." each girl waved as he said their names. "and we are splitting into two teams of three." matt added. "yes so earlier i did the spin wheel thing to split us up." nick said. "wait so we're not doing boys versus girls?" isa frowned her brows. "no maybe next time if they want." nick pointed to the camera. "anyways the first team is val, chris and matt." nick read off his phone. "and last team is me, isa and jay." nick continued to read from his phone. "and no we aren't doing the blind, deaf and mute baking." nick said. "that would be crazy we would all have to do at separate times." jay raised her brows. "oh my gosh it would." isa laughed. "shit would be a disaster if we were all in here doing that shit." chris said. "yep it sure would." matt pressed his lips together.

"okay we are going to who can make the best cake and our parents will be judging, both teams have the same cake flavor and decorations for the cake." nick explained. "it's confetti cake by the way." val held up the cake boxes. "yes so let's start." nick smiled.

"matt go away." isa pushed the boy away from her. "seriously go back to your side." nick said. "but i have to tell isa something." he lied. "you been trying 'to tell her something' for the last fifteen minutes." nick said as he grabbed the cake pan. "it hasn't been fifteen minutes." matt rolled his eyes at his brother. "who cares matt get back here so you can spray this pan." chris said. "yeah you flirt with your girlfriend later." val told him. "not funny val." isa glared at val from the other side. "love you too isa." she blow her a kiss.

jay placed their cakes in the oven as isa set the timer. "we'll back when the cakes are finished and cooled." nick said before turning the camera off. they started cleaning up the kitchen. isa watched the dishes and jay dried them as matt put them away. "chris how the fuck did you get it on the counter?" nick wiped the cake mix with a napkin. "this kid fucking pushed me." he pointed at matt. "yeah because you fucking pushed me." matt said putting the last dish away. "you two are ridiculous." nick shook his head.

the two cakes finished cooling so chris turned the camera back on. "alright cakes are cooled so it's time to decorate." nick clapped his hands together. "my favorite part." isa smiled. "this is not going to end well." val shook her head.

"chis you're getting frosting everywhere but the cake." val said. "shits crazy." matt closed his eyes. "give me chris." valentina grabbed the frosting and the spoon. "i need a napkin." chris showed his hands to the camera. "that's disgusting." nick looked at his brother. "told you it wasn't going to end well." jay looked at isa as they both laughed. the two girls were frosting the cake and nick was waiting so he could add the sprinkles and writing. meanwhile the other team matt was just standing there mostly looking over at isa she caught him a few times and when she did he would smile at the girl. now his team it seemed chris was fucking up everything matt had a feeling they aren't going to win. with the way chris is going val is really their only hope.

"alright so we're done and we are going get our parents in here so they can judge see which one is better to them." nick said. "and we aren't going to tell them who's is who's." chirs said. "we will number them like cake one and cake two but we will be off to the side." matt added. "yes and after we will try our own cakes and each others." nick said.

"okay so we have our parents in here now." chris said. "mary lou and jimmy." matt pointed to both his parents. "if you didn't know." nick moved some hair from his face. "you will first pick who has the best presentation like with the decorating." nick explained. "cake one or cake two." val pointed to each cake. "oh gosh i don't know." mary lou said. "cake two." jimmy said. "wow okay dad that was fast." chris put this hands up. "jimmy got straight to the point." everyone laughed. "okay um cake one." mary lou pointed. "alright now taste." matt handed them both forks.

the started with cake one obviously. "oh no i don't like it." mary lou shook her head. "really it's not that bad." jimmy shrug his arms. "i can tell who's cake that is." jay whispered to nick who laughed. "okay okay cake two." chris said. as the both took a bite they hummed. "this one is moist." jimmy said taking the fork away from his mouth. "yeah i like it." mary lou smiled. "wow okay which one is the better one?" nick asked. "cake two." jimmy answered quickly. "yes cake two." mary lou agreed with jimmy. "HA LOSERS!" jay clapped. "whatever bro." chris rolled his eyes. "but seriously chris how do fuck up cake mix when everything is in front of you?" nick laughed.

after they tried each teams cake and their own they ended the video. the group were all in the living room now. nick was on the love sack, chris and val were on the small couch together and matt, isa and jade were on the bigger couch. "next time we should do three teams of two instead." val said while playing with chris' hair. "yeah that would probably be easier we would just have to do it in a bigger kitchen." nick said. "oh most definitely." val nodded.

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