14; trying to pee

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"guys nick texted me saying they're almost here." jade walked in the room zipping her skirt. "WHAT?!" val said putting her shirt on. "yeah i checked his location and they are pretty close." jade grabbed her shoes. "guys i don't know which one to wear." isa looked in the mirror. "the black one with the lace it's cute." jay told her as she tied her shoe.

"uh they are here." jay picked her phone to see who texted her. "going going." isa put her jacket on. the the girls rushed out the door to the van. "well damn take longer why don't you." chris said from the passenger side. "shut the fuck chris." jay said she got in the car. "you guys had practically the rest of the day to get ready." nick said looking at the three girls. "we watched a movie and fell asleep." val said. "yep and then we ate." isa smiled.

on the way to the party chris played music and everyone had their own conversation with the person next to them. matt parked on the side of the house. "YEAH TIME TO SHAKE SOME ASS!" jay yelled as they all got out the car. isa high fived jay laughing. "crazy." nick shook his head.

the four walked off as isabel waited for matt. "aw you waited for me." matt pouted at the girl. "of course i'm not a monster matthew." she playfully rolled her eyes. "come on let's go." he hung his arm over her. "you look very pretty by the way." matt looked down at the girl. "oh so every other time i looked ugly." she stopped. "never lu, you always been pret- beautiful i just like that top on you." he smiled at her. "and that jacket where'd you get it?" he asked her. "well thank you matty." she smiled. "and i got it from this guy i think his name is matthew." she shrugged. "oh well matthew has great taste." he put his arm around her again as the started to walk inside where everyone else. "cool i tell him."

as the party went on more and more people came walking in and out. val, chris, isa and matt were in the kitchen taking with both boys hanging an arm around each girl. jay and nick went to play beer pong with this guy nate from school.

"i am going to bathroom i'll be back." isa got from under matt. " you want one of us to come with you?" val asked. "no it's okay." isa looked at her. "you sure." matt looked at her. "yeah i'll be back." she walked upstairs to the bathroom. when she made it the bathroom she was stopped. "isabel luna." she heard someone call from behind her. she turned to see isaiah owens twin brother. "what? what do you want micheal?" she said. "didn't know you were a party girl." he stepped closer to her. "only if i'm with my friends." she crossed her arms. "well what's a pretty like you doing up here alone." he got even closer to her."trying to pee." she moved back. "no mister matthew?" he looked around. "you know since he's always following you like a child." he crossed his arms. "no doesn't if he did why does it matter to you." she rolled her eyes. "because i can never have you alone." he ran he hand down her face. "ew don't touch me." she pushed him.

"werido." she whispered. "bro michael." some guy called from the stairs. "looks like time for me to go." he smirked and walked away. by the time he walked away isabel didn't have to pee she was just ready to go. she walked back downstairs to the kitchen. "hey you okay?" matt asked her. "yeah just kinda a line." she lied. "alright you sure?" she nodded. "actually can we leave?" she looked at matt. "yeah chris and val were talking about leaving." he put his cup down. the two friends walked to their other friends outside. "hey you guys ready?" matt asked as they turned. "yeah i'm actually like starving." chris said. "me too." jay rubbed her stomach. "damn you guys leaving already." isa rolled her eyes knowing who it was already. "yeah we're tired and a bit hungry." nick said. "aw wish you could stay longer." micheal looked at isa. "maybe next time." jay shrugged her shoulders. "yeah maybe." micheal smiled at isa she quickly grabbed matt's hand and squeezed it. letting him know she was uncomfortable. "yeah let's go guys." matt said as he started walking with isa.

they all got to the car bring nate with them too. isa sat in the front with matt as chris sat with val and nate in the very back. with jay and nick in middle. matt drove to mc donalds since it was closer to their house. "you alright lu?" matt looked at her as he came to a stop. "yeah i just didn't want to be there anymore." she smiled at him. "okay." he started to drive.

after they got their they went to the sturniolo house. isa wasn't really hungry so she went to matt's room to get ready for bed. by the time matt went to his room isa was fast asleep. he changed his clothes and laid next to her.

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a/n: two in one day :))

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