09; skip next class

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[ irl ]

isabel was awake when matt texted her she just laid in bed as she thought about what happened today. yeah me and matty are touchy. but would be that way towards me if he liked some girl? but we always been attached at the hip since the day we met. does he like me? am i the girl? no no i can't be. isabel thought about all this as she laid in bed. she didn't notice she was up all night until she saw the sun coming up. did i really stay up all night? i'm not even tired. isabel signed as she got up to shower. she showered for long time than usual.

matt picked her up she sat in the back with nick. on the ride to school matt would glance up at the mirror to look at issbel. to him she just looked so tired and drained. she said yesterday she fine but i know their is something wrong. they got to school chris and nick walked a few steps ahead. isabel was walking a few steps behind them so matt grabs her hand. "lu." she stopped and looked up at matt. "are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he looked down at her. "yeah i just didn't sleep at all last night that's all." she squeezed his hand. "ok lu." he smiled at her. "come on before chris makes a rumor that we were making out or something." he moved his hand and hung his arm around her. "why does everyone want us to kiss?" she asked. "i was wondered the same." they laughed.

isa didn't know if it was the lack of no sleep that she got or just time but it seemed to go really fast cause she was already sitting at the table with her friends talking well she wasn't her head rested on matts shoulder as she would doze off. "if you're tired just sleep lu." matt whispered to her. she just shook her head. "matt, can we skip next class please?" she said low enough for him to hear. "yes library." he looked down at her. "please." she closed her eyes. "of course."

and that's exactly what the two of them did. they two sat in the back of the library. matt sat down as he pulled isabel down with him. "get some sleep lu." she laid her down in his lap. "i'll wake you up when the bell rings." he tan his fingers through her hair. isabel mumbled words as she feel asleep.

as she slept matt scrolled tik tok seeing a couple of edits of him and isabel that were made fans. liking some and reading the comments, seeing "omg them together is everything" which made him smile even though he thought that wording was cringey. he continued watching tik tok until he heard the bell ring. "lu, lu." he shook the girl in his lap. "lu come on the bell rang." she whined picking her head up. "i just want to sleep." she rubbed her eyes. "i'm sure but we have class that we're going to be late for come on." he stood up and holding his hand out for her. she grabbed his hand as she stood up.

"do we have to watch this right now?" isabel rolled her eyes. "you're the one that we stay in watch so you can see lover boy matt" valentina said. "VAL!" issbel yelled. "oh come it's just nick." she pointed at the boy sitting next to her. "that's the point." isa rolled her eyes. as the two girls went back and forth nick thinking about his conversation with his brothers last night about him saying "some girl matt likes" which was the girl behind him. but val and isa didn't know. all nick knew was the long time crush his brother had on his best friend and now her probable crush on his brother. and his conclusion that two people he cared for felt the same way for one another but neither one know.

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