26; another cute girl

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[ irl ]

"you are really good at taking pictures matthew." isa smiled. "thanks i try." he smiled back. the two were at a park walking around. after dinner they got ice cream even though matt didn't want to because of how cold it was outside but he couldn't say no to her. "but not better than nick." matt gasped. "really? is that so?" he looked over her. "yep." she said popping the p. "well then i'll just find another cute girl to take pictures of then, since i'm not appreciated around here." matt rolled his eyes and walked a bit faster. while isabel was taking in the two words that came from his mouth 'cute girl' not that matt's complemented her before this time it just feels different.

matt turns to see isa isn't next to him as he thought she would be so he stops where he is. "lu, come onn." he motions for her to hurry. "sorry." she walks faster to him. "you okay?" matt ask when she stops in front of him. "mmhm." she just nodded her head. matt sighed "words please lu." he said as he lifted his hand to move some hair out her face. "yyyes, i'm okay." she stuttered at first. "i wasn't going to fine another cute girl lu." matt looked in her eyes. "cause i already have one." he smiled. inside isabel was freaking out and matt was surprised with himself with what he was saying but he loved it, specially since he saw he was effecting her.

"have one what?" isa asked. "a cute girl." matt replied. "really?" she raised a brow. "yeah." he nodded his head. "i mean she's more than cute." matt gave a small smile. "who?" isa asked. matt took a deep breath before talking. "she's like five feet tall, has the most beautiful eyes and smile, she loves pasta, her birthday is tomorrow." he said without skipping a beat. "i could go on." matt grabbed her hands and held them. "she sounds amazing." isa said. "she is." matt lightly squeezed her hands. "and she has the same birthday as me." matt playfully rolled his eyes. "she does." he let out a small laugh.

it was quite between them as the just looked at each other. matt moved his hands from hers to put them on her hips when he did isabel got nervous. "lu, can i tell you something?" matt finally spoke. "yes matt of course." she smiled. "i i like you." he let out. "like i like like you." he felt like weight was lifted off him. "a lot lu." he looked between both her eyes. "matt i, like like you too." she smiled while looking bewteeen both his eyes. "a lot." she put her hands on his arms that were on her hips. "i always have." she added. he smiled wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. "me too since i asked you to play tag with me and my brothers." he smiled. "you been obsessed with me matty." isa teased. matt playfully rolled his eyes. "righhht i think you're the obsessed one." he teased.

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