07; i would if i were him

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"bro this is so stupid." chris sighed. "could you stop i'm trying to help you." valentina told chris. during val's and chris free period they decided to work on the project for class. but chris was complaining the whole time. "i literally don't want to do this val." chris pulled his phone out. "okay but you have the easy part." valentina looked at chris. "doesn't mean i want to do it." chris continued scrolling through his phone. "yeah if you were partners with you nick you two would have been fighting the whole time." she rolled her eyes. "yeah yeah." chris turned his phone off.

"now here put this in the first slide." she handed chris her notebook. they got half way done with their assignment by the time school was over. chris walked to field since he had practice. val walked with him to met with nick and isa. she sat in the bleachers with isa and nick. "hi guys." val sat down. "hey val." nick said. "wait how did the video go monday?" isa asked nick. "oh my gosh chris and matt started arguing with each other." nick rolled his eyes. "geez about what this time." val also rolled her eyes. "i about you and this girl matt likes." nick shook her head. "ME!" val yelled. "yeah it was dumb." nick said.

isabel sat there as they talked with nick's words replaying in her head. "some girl matt likes" isabel wondered who the girl was. the rest of the boys practice isabel barely said anything just only when they asked her something.

three friends went to met their other two friends. chris talked to nick and val as they walked to their cars. meanwhile matt was trying to figure out what was wrong with isa. "lu you okay?" matt looked at her. "lu?" matt said again. "yeah sorry." she shook her head. "you sure?" he put his arm around her. "yeah i'm sure." she smiled up at him. "you coming with us or val?" matt asked. "val." she answered. "alright well i will later then." matt moved his arm from her.

"y-yeah." she nodded. "isa you're coming with me?" val asked from her car. "yes." she turned to walk over to val's car. they waved bye to the boys. in the car the two girls didn't talk just the music playing on the radio. "hey are you okay?" val asked turning the music down. "is it because of what nick said?." she looked at her friend. "i-i don't know i think." isabel sighed. "it's just when he said it i just didn't know how to feel." val rubbed her arm. "cause if he liked someone he would tell me right?" isabel questioned. "i would if i were him." val shrugged. "it's fine it's whatever." isabel turned the music back up.

isabel was still thinking about nick's words when matt came over. they watched movies isabel was just quiet the whole time matt just kept looking at her he was trying to figure out what was wrong with her. "lu, what wrong?" matt asked her. "nothing i'm fine." she said still looking at the tv. "lu look at me." he grabbed chin to make her look at him. "mm-matt." isabel's heart was racing. "can i ask you something?" she asked. "of course lu." he looked at the girl in front of him. "if you liked a girl would you tell me?" she looked at him. now matt had many thoughts going through his mind. "y-yeah why wouldn't i." inside matt was panicking he wondered if brothers mentioned someone about him liking her. but at the same time he thought they wouldn't.

"okay." isabel looked away. yeah her and matt were touchy towards each other and she wondered before if it meant something but now she couldn't help but wonder if matt actually liked another girl that wasn't her. the rest of the time they spent at her house not many words shared between the two friends. matt left thinking about did my brothers tell her? they wouldn't right?

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a/n: i'm sure how i feel about this one :(

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