25; you look great

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can you be ready in a hour?

a HOUR??!

yes please

ew matthew
don't use that emoji

why not
thought you liked it

yeah but not when you use it like that weirdo

whatever 😒
can you just be ready

ig but where are we going

some where nice

so cute and nice

yes lu but also comfortable

ok matty, see you in a hour😘
loved by matty💌

isa grabbed some clothes she had hanging up in closet in the hotel and got dressed. "isa where are you going?" jay and nick asked from the bed. "with matt he's taking me somewhere." she said from the bathroom. 'oh shit he's actually doing it' nick thought to himself. "where?" jay got up from the bed. "i have no clue i just know somewhere nice." isa shrugged. "aw matthew put his big boy pants on." jay tilted her head pouting. "jay stop." isa rolled her eyes.

isa finished her hair just as matt knocked on the door. "oh isabel i think your boyfriend is here." jay sang. "stop it he's not my boyfriend." isa walked out the bathroom rolling her eyes. nick had left the girls room a while ago to understand his brother plan of where he was taking the girl. "oh look at that it is." jay smiled as she opened the door. "aw you're talking about jay." matt put his hand on his chest. "don't flatter yourself matthew." jay rolled her eyes. "whatever." he rolled his eyes. "where's lu?" matt asked. "right here." isa smiled coming to the door. "hi." matt smiled. "hi." isa smiled back. "okay get out." jay pushed isabel towards matt. "have her back before midnight." jade said before closing the door. they both laughed.

"you look great, i mean you always do but i'm just saying." matt smiled. "thank you matt." isabel smiled feeling that funny feeling in her stomach again. "so are you going to tell me where we're going?" isabel looked up at matt. "pasta." matt looked at her. "YAY MY FAVORITE!" she said excitedly. "i know." matt smiled at how excited she got.

"you really know the way to a girls heart don't you." isa said to matt. "just yours." he looked at her. "aw don't make me blush." she playfully rolled her eyes. he laughed. "what are you getting?" matt looked at the menu. "i don't know cause the fettuccine alfredo sounds good but so does ravioli." isabel said. "so basic." matt shook his head and playfully rolled his eyes. "basic i know you're not talking." she raised her brow. "mr chicken alfredo." she looked at him. "don't hate on the chicken alfredo." matt said. "i'm not you're calling me basic when you're just as basic as me." looking at her menu again. "chicken alfredo is so good." he said. "never said it wasn't." she took a sip of her drink.

the waiter came and brought them their food matt of course went with the chicken alfredo and isa with ravioli. "this is really good." isabel said as finished what was in her mouth. "it really is." matt agreed. "are we going back after this?" isa asked. "where the hotel?" matt raised a brow. "yeah are we?" "no wasn't planning on it, unless you to." isabel instantly shook her head no. "okay we won't." he let out a small laugh.

they finished dinner and paid well matt did. matt stood up before isa and walked over to her and held his hand out for her. "ready?" he asked holding his hand out for her. she looked up at him and smiled. "yes." she took his hand and stood up. matt pushed her chair in for her. then intertwined their hands together as they walked out. isa got butterflies in her stomach. she's been getting that feeling a lot.


liked by madifilipowicz, nicolassturniolo and others

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liked by madifilipowicz, nicolassturniolo and others

luvisa; 🍾

user girl you're so pretty
liked by matthewsturniolo

jaybae my beautiful girl😘😘
luvisa I LOVE YOU

nicolassturniolo 🤩🤩

nicolassturniolo aren't you cute
luvisa you are

user i love you so much isa
luvisa I LOVE YOU MORE❤️

matthewsturniolo yes i took this😘
luvisa you did😘
christophersturniolo i don't think anyone asked
luvisa shut up chris

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