36; stop

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it was the day for the christmas sleepover at jay's. everyone had got their christmas pajamas matt and isabel had matching ones and so did valentina and chris.

"never took chris as the matching type." isabel said looking at chris and valentina on the couch. "yeah me either." nick mumbled. "it's the alexa valentina effect." jade said standing next to them. "literally cause he's done things he would never do with val." nick took a sip of his drink. chris felt like someone was looking at him and he was right cause when he looked up he saw his brother and two friends looking over at him.

"where is matt?" jade asked. "picking up nate." nick answered. "he couldn't get a ride here so matt dropped us off and picked him up." nick said putting chips in a bowl. "why didn't he just pick him up on the way here?" isabel asked. "cause when we got here he called." nick said. just then matt walked in with nate behind him. "having the door unlocked is crazy." matt walked into the kitchen. "someone could've came and killed you all or something." he added. "hopefully they're hot." jade joked. matt just shook his head and sighed. "anyways hi nathan." jade waved. "hi." he waved back. "oh yes everyone is here!" jade cheered.

"matt stop moving your making the picture come out blurry." isabel groaned as she deleted the picture for what felt like the hundred time. "sorry." matt said. "it's fine can just not move please." she said taking the picture. "perfect." she smiled looking at the picture on her phone. everyone was in the living room watching their third christmas movie of the night while matt and isabel are in the kitchen taking pictures and eating. only because matt didn't feel it for the third movie so he dragged isabel to the kitchen with him. "you really did that for that lu." matt tilted his head looking at her. "yes matt." he sighed. "so did you get me for christmas?" putting his hands on either side of her since she's on the counter. "you? oh you think i got you something for christmas?" she faked laughed while matt stared blankly at her. "ha you're so funny." he rolled his eyes. "i am thank you." she said sarcastically. "but since you asked." she put her phone down. "i got you something it actually came this morning." looked at him. "yeah." he raised a brow. "mmhm." isabel mumbled. "so what did you get me?" she lifted her arms to wrap around his neck. "well since you must know." he put his hands on her hips making him step closer to her. "i got you something." he squeezed her hips. "but you have to wait for christmas love." he whispered the last word. "maaatt." she groaned shaking her head. "why do you do this?" matt just laughed. "cause i like how flustered you get." he moved his hands to put them underneath her shirt to rest on her lower back. "you literally drive me crazy." matt smiled her her. "i know." he leaned in connecting their lips.

"i'm actually curious to know what everyone got." nick said sitting next to isabel. "okay who wants to go first?" jade look around at everyone. "i will." isabel said standing up and handing chris his gift. "merry christmas christopher." she said taking her seat next to matt. chris squinted his eyes looking at her. "is it bomb?" everyone laughed. "no just open it." she gestured for him to open it. chris began ripping the wrapping paper off the box and widened his eyes. "BRO! I LOVE THIS!" he yelled the gift was a pepsi cola mini fridge. "i was literally telling val about this." he picked the box up admiring the gift. "he was." val nodded. "thanks isa." he smiled.

"okay chris you're next." nick said. chris put his gift from isabel down and grabbed his for jade and handed it to her. "christopher owen!" she grabbed the bag from chris. "if i think it is we're fighting." jade said she took the tissue paper out. "NO WAY!" jade yelled and pulled out two vinyls out one taylor swift and the other ac dc. "quite literally her two personalities." val said while everyone agreed. "i love them." jade hugged the vinyls. "ok ok mine next." she smiled holding her bag up and giving it to nate. he opened the bag to see three hats he was looking at the day they all had hung out. "oh shit thanks jay." nate smiled pulling the two hats out. "welcome." she smiled.

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