22; ew

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"next time we come we need to bring nate." chris said. "yes." nick agreed. "who's nate?" madi asked. "our friend from school." jay said. "yeah he couldn't this time." val frowned. "HOLY SHIT!" nick yelled from the water. "nick what is that?" jay's eyes widened. "it's a fucking star fish." nick said walking to his friends. "what that's actually cool." chris said. "i was literally standing there and saw something by my foot and picked this up." nick showed them the star fish in his hand. "it's pretty though." val said touching it. "gonna walk around like dez with a star fish on your face." jade laughed. "ew no i'm not putting this on my face." nick shook his head. "that's some shit chris would do." matt said. "literally." nick nodded his head. "fuck you." chris told his brothers. "but it's true." matt shrugged. chris just rolled his eyes.

"i always get sea shells but never a starfish." madi said. "yeah me either that's why this is crazy." nick walked back over to the water. "good bye fishy." he put the starfish back into the water. "guys can we have a movie night in the hotel room?" chris asked. "you come too madi." he looked at her. "that sounds fun actually." jay nodded. "yeah we can go to the store before we go back." nick said. "are you gonna come madi?" val asked. "yeah but probably can't stay long i still got school." madi said. "yay movie night!" jay cheered.

after they left the beach and got some snacks and drinks for the movie night. they decided on going to the boys room to watch movies. "bro don't put that on." chris whined. "what we said we were going to watch it." jay said. "yeah cause there's no good scary movies on here." nick pressed play on the movie. "wait what movie are watching." matt walked out the bathroom. "pitch perfect two." val said putting popcorn in her mouth. "i don't think i've seen that one." matt said sitting next to isa. "yes matt we watched it at my house." isa looked at him. "no he fell asleep before the movie could start." chris said. "wow really matt." isa rolled her eyes. "i won't fall asleep this time, promise." he looked at the girl next to him. "yeah you better not." she leaned her head on his arm. "okay shut up it's starting." val said.

"geez i love fat amy." nick said as the movie ended. "me too." jay agreed. "she's so funny." chris said. "she really is." jay got up. "my mom is here." madi said standing up. "okay i'll walk you down." jay said. "me too." nick put his shoes on. "bye madi." val hugged her. "bye." she smiled. "and these two are sleeping like babies." chris looked over at matt and isa sleeping. "they're cute." jay said. "ew." nick shook his head. "well i guess you're not getting a bye from them." chris widened his eyes. "it's okay, i will see you guys friday right?" madi asked. "yes cause that's isa's birthday." val smiled. "okay bye." madi waved. "bye." val waved.

nick and jay walked madi down while chris and val stayed in the room. on the way back jay and nick stopped by the pool and saw it was still open so they hurried to the room to get val and chris. the four of them left matt and isa sleeping in the room.

"no no jay get away!" chris yelled. "no you burped in my face." she swam after chris. "yeah well you slashed me." chris defended. "could you two stop before they kick us out." nick said. "nick i'm going to murder your brother." jay huffed. "you two are ridiculous." val shook her head. "save me val." chris hugged her from the side. "you're a baby." val looked at him. "your baby." he smiled. "ew stop." val scrunched her nose. "whatever you love me." chris kissed her cheek. she just rolled her eyes and smiled.

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a/n: hiii sorry i didn't post yesterday i was in a car all day to san antonio and didn't really have service but tomorrow i will also be on the road for like six hours to dallas :) love you thank you for reading and voting means a lot❤️

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