35; pretty

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[ irl, messages ]

today jade went to everyone and let them pick who they got for secret santa. she wrote everyone's name on a piece of paper and folded it up and put them in a hat. everyone got one person no one got two. nate got matt, matt got nick, nick got val, val got isa, isa got chris, chris got jay and jay got nate. most of everyone knew what they were getting the other person.

bf matty💝

bf matty💝

gf lu🌙

bf matty💝
who did you get
i got nick

gf lu🌙
why would you say anything?
it's secret santa for a reason
literally SECRET SANTA

bf matty💝
okay i know
but i didn't get you so that's why i'm telling you

gf lu🌙
do you?
do you really though
it's literally supposed to be a secret matt

bf matty💝
who did you get?

gf lu🌙
not you :)
but christopher

bf matty 💝
but you wanted me

gf lu🌙
no i wanted nick :(

bf matty💝

gf lu🌙

bf matty💝
i wanted ask if you wanted to go get the gifts together but i guess not

gf lu🌙

bf matty💝
fine i guess i could pick you up😒

gf lu🌙
love you too🫶🏼

bf matty💝
yeah i love you too❤️
loved by 'gf lu🌙'

isabel gave matt a kiss as soon as she got in the car and he smiled and kissed her back. "so where are we going?" she put her seat belt on. "to the mall." he put his hand on the back of her seat so he could back out the drive way it was something isabel always found attractive. she turned to look at him with a smile on her face. he turned around and saw her and smiled. "what's up?" he put his other hand on the wheel. "nothing." she looked out the window. "no lu what is it?" matt took a quick look at her. "you're just really pretty." he smiled. "pretty?" he raised his brow. "yes pretty." she let out a giggle. "i'm pretty to you." he asked. "yes." she said. "that's why you were looking at me like that." matt looked at as he came to a red light. "mmhm." isabel mumbled. "that's fine just don't look at me like that while i'm driving." he looked back in front of him. "cause it's distracting lu." isabel squinted her eyes at him. "your girlfriend looking at you is distracting?" she said looking at him. "yes baby." isabel internally groaned at his response. "MAAATT!" she yelled as her face started to get red. matt loved doing that specially knowing the effect he had on her. "i literally hate you." she crossed her arms and turned to the side to look out the window. matt just laughed. "sure you do baby." he said with a smirk on her face. isabel just sighed.

it's not that isabel didn't like when matt said that to her she just got flustered and she knew the effect he had on her. they didn't talk much the only noise was from the radio with songs playing from matt's phone. they got to the mall and matt parked. isabel was still looking out the window so matt took her seat belt off she let it go the side of her. he grabbed her face softly making her look at him. when she did they both immediately looked at each other. matt smiled and she smiled back. "i love you baby." he smiled and kissed her. "maaatt." she sighed and laid her head in his chest. "what you don't like when i call you baby?" he asked. "i do." she mumbled in his chest. he put his hands on both side of her face and moved it. "what was that?" she playfully rolled her eyes. "i do." matt smiled. "so what's the problem baby?" matt said making isabel's face hot. "i'm just not used to it." matt rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. "and i like when you call me lu." she put her hands on his. "and i like baby too but i'm used to you calling me lu." she said. "i like lu too." matt said. "it's my name for you." he moved his hands from her face but grabbed hers as they fell. "exactly that why i like it." she smiled. "well jay and val call you baby." she tilted her head at him. "but it's different when you say it matt." she poked his chest with her finger. "you're matt, my best friend, MY boyfriend." she said. "so of course it will be different when you call me that." she looked at him. "so i am special?" he asked. "you always have been." she smiled. "and i love you too baby." she smiled and kissed matt. "oh who's calling who baby now." he teased. "shut up and let's go." she pulled away and got out the car. matt just smiled shaking his head.

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