19; waffles

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i know you're awake you active two minutes ago

i was in the restroom
what's up

can we go out for breakfast or something
i don't want to be here

sure lu

YAY see you in ten!!

see you lu
read 8:46am

isa put her shoes on and grabbed her purse and walked out the room to see matt was already standing outside. "good morning matthew." she smiled. "good morning isabel." he smiled back. "what did you want for breakfast?" he asked as the started walking. "i saw this cafe yesterday when we were getting dinner." she looked at him. "can we go there?" she asked. "yeah of course." he said as the walked into the elevator. "why are you even awake so early?" she looked at matt. "chris was snoring in my ear." matt rolled his eyes. "sounds like jay that's why we made her sleep on couch." she laughed.

they walked out the hotel to walk down the street to the cafe for breakfast. "ooo it's even cuter in the morning than at night." isabel shook matt. "okay weirdo stop." he laughed playfully pushing the girl. "they have red velvet cake matt!" isabel pointed at the cake in the display. "looks good but not for breakfast." matt said. "yeah maybe before we leave." she sighed. "yeah for sure." matt said.

"hello, what can i get for you guys?" the waitress came to them. "hi can i get an iced caramel latte." isabel said. "yes and for you sir?" she looked over at matt. "can i get an orange juice." he said to her. "yes anything else?" she looked between the both of us. "no thank you." isa smiled. "of course i'll be back with your drinks." she smiled back. "what are you getting to eat?" matt asked the girl across from him. "probably waffles or pancakes , you?" isabel looked up. "french toast." matt looked at her. isabel and matt talked for a while until the waitress came with their drinks. they also ordered their food matt got the french toast and isa the waffles. they ate breakfast and talked more. isabel was happy that matt was talking to her again she missed him. and he missed her too.

luvisa added to their story!

♡ matthewsturniolo ♡  jaybae♡ lexavalentina

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boys that look like me
nick= blueprint
matt= test clone
chris= accidental clone

accidental clone
bro matt
you took her out

like fr we woke up and you were missing

accidental clone
yeah i was freaking out but then i saw her story

test clone
no we just got breakfast
and went to the park

accidental clone
so she doesn't know how you feel??

test clone

wow matt

accidental clone

you better tell her before her birthday
this was the trip where our parents come together

accidental clone

test clone

do it or i will matt

accidental clone
nick shut up
read by all 11:20am

matt sighed as he put his phone in his pocket. "what's wrong?" isa turned to look at matt. "just chris and nick being annoying." he rolled his eyes. "are they looking for you? we could-." she was cut off by matt. "no no we don't have to go anywhere lu." he pulled her closer to him. "are you sure?" she looked up at matt. "yes." he smiled down at her. her from the moment isa saw him outside the room til now she has had butterflies flying around in her stomach. yes she's liked matt for a long time but this morning she's felt a feeling that she isn't used to when it came to matt. but she loved it.

✩ ⁏ ✰

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