Present Day

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Mikasa didn't know how to feel, it was only a few months, but was she ready to move on so fast? The memory plays in her mind as if it was as recent as yesterday.

She remembers looking at both of her parents sprawled over the floor, lying in a pool of their own blood, she had just came home that night, there was a carnival happening in her city, and some friends wanted to go. Back then she had a decent amount of friends, she enjoyed the company of other people.

But now it wasn't like that, she had came home after a night of fun, she'd describe it as euphoric, all of the rides, the games, even the food it was something she had never been too before and she enjoyed it. She had walked up to the front door of her home, scrambling to get her keys out, when she finally got them, ready to stick them in the doorknob but the door just slowly opened.

Weary she walked in, she had slipped her shoes off at the entrance, a habit she picked up from her mother, considering she was Japanese. She even had her father doing it even though he has never been accustomed to it. She sat her bag down, hanging up the sweater that she wore, she was still in her school clothes.

She called out for her mother, then her father, when no answer came, she took in her surroundings, many pictures and antiques were knocked over, broken. She walked over to see a vase her mother had gotten from her village in Japan, she treasured it, and it was shattered.

Bending down, Mikasa began to pick up the pieces, that's when she saw it, a trail of blood, she stood slowly her hands shaking as she followed where the blood was streaming from.

Behind the couch she saw them, both of them, lying next to one another a bloody mess. In shock she dropped the glass piece she had picked up, a sharp piece fell and it popped back up, cutting her face.

The stinging sensation brought her out of her shock, immediately she ran over, turning over both of her parents, trying her best, desperately trying to wake them up. Blood covered her hands, her clothes, they wouldn't wake up, they were dead. Someone had come to their home and brutally murdered her parents. Her screams for help weren't heard nor where he cries.

But why? As far as she knew, her Father worked in a office, he had a desk job, it didn't make him alot of money but it got them by, and her mother, she worked from home, a small sewing and knitting business she did. It was more of a hobby but if money came from it, she didn't complain.

Even Mikasa herself dabbled in it herself sometimes when she would be home with her mother. They didn't have any enemies, they were normal people, who lived a normal life, in a normal neighborhood.

Or so she thought atleast.

The entire house was destroyed, a mess, whoever the intruder was, they didn't take anything of value so why did they do this, why did they destroy the house and murder her parents?

Maybe it wasn't them they were expecting to be there? If that's the case, why kill them, why not spare their lives? They didn't deserve it, had she been there... could she in a way have prevented it?

She regretted going out that night, but no matter how many regrets she had, it saved her life. She was spared, while her parents suffered an horrific fate.

Now Mikasa was alone, granted her family overseas from her Mother's clan, they offered support, the clan leader even offered Mikasa to come stay with her, but she declined. She was fluent in her second language but she didn't want pity from people she barely knew, hell she didn't want it from people she did know. She definitely didn't want to make a wild decision to move out of the country.

Mikasa slowly saw a change in herself, at first she was in denial, but as time went on she began to notice it. Her appetite had gotten smaller, her lack of interest in anything was evident. Her friends distanced themselves from her. Everything was changing at an expeditious rate. She had even stopped talking at one point.

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