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"Wait what happened? Someone broke in?!" Armin asked. A few days had passed since Valentine's Day and Mikasa and Eren were just getting around to telling Armin and hopefully the others. Right now they were in Mikasa's bedroom, studying for an upcoming exam in a class they had together.

"Yeah, we went upstairs after the power went off and that's when we heard it." Mikasa said. "Eren got hurt in the process and I was freaking out so I started to experience stomach pains from hell." She added.

"Were you both okay?!"

"Yeah.. the next morning we cleaned up, we got something to eat and even though we cleaned Eren's wound I wanted him to get checked out." Mikasa said.

"Same here, I made her get checked to since she was having stomach pain, being in the early stages of a pregnancy pains like that are very serious." Eren said.

"I'm just happy you both ended up okay, that had to be scary, who on earth could have decided to do that?"

"We're not sure, from what we know only Eren's family and you guys know about the lake house and you all were with one another celebrating Valentine's Day." Mikasa said. "The only person in our group who we don't really account for is Aj." Eren said.

"Oh yeah, Sasha said that Jean's been in the ER for a few days, apparently his Mom came home on Valentine's Day for something and she found him knocked out on the floor with a gash in his head from a broken vase." Armin said.

"What?! Was Aj not with him?" Eren asked.

"Not from what I hear, apparently they were there together but when his Mom got there, his car was gone and Jean was knocked out."

"Wait.. we did see a car accident leaving the lake house and it did look like Jean's car.. do you think someone could have stolen it and followed us to the lake house?" Mikasa asked.

"No way.. Jean lives in a gated apartment complex only people who live there can get in so someone breaking in stealing it isn't something that would happen, plus a security guard is stationed at the front gate to check to make sure residents come with guests if they have any." Eren said.

"Yeah it's weird.. I mean where could Aj have gone? Sasha said she spoke with Jean's Mom at the hospital when her and Connie went. Apparently one of Mrs. Kirstein's knives were missing, she said she was going to chop some fruit for Jean and her favorite knife for chopping was missing." Armin said.

"Wait..wait.. So first Jean is found knocked out, Aj is MIA, his car gets stolen, his Mom's knife is missing.. Guys.. it's making sense." Mikasa said. "It had to have been Aj to do that." She said.

"Why would she knock her own boyfriend out on Valentine's Day?" Armin asked. "I mean I don't put it past her but why?"

"I'm not sure.. maybe Jean did something or said something and it ticked her off?" Mikasa said. "What do you think Eren?" She asked.

"Now that I think about it... when I was fighting them that night it didn't seem like a guy. I would've known." Eren said. "Holy shit.. why would Aj do something so reckless? What was her end goal?" Armin asked

"She's fucking crazy.. I wonder if Jean even knows all of this." Eren said. "I can only think she probably came there for me." Mikasa said as they looked at her. "Think about it, she only hates me because I'm with Eren, she says she doesn't care about Eren anymore but everything she does is to try to get back with Eren.. what if she was coming for me and her intent was to harm me.. or worse what if she found out I'm pregnant and that's why she came with a knife." Mikasa said.

"Don't think like that! I don't think Aj is smart enough to come up with something like that, and she couldn't possibly have proof of your pregnancy.. unless somehow Jean slipped up and he caught her in her plan and that's when she attacked him.. I know this is all some big theory but thinking about it, it's making more sense.. She basically threatened you that day at my house." Armin said.

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