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The past 4 days were eventful for Mikasa, so much to the point she beginning to get overwhelmed. Every day there was something new with the friends she made. Tuesday Sasha was dared to eat everyone's lunch for $100 and surprisingly she did it and still wanted more to eat. Which to Mikasa was highly concerning. She didn't think anyone could eat so much food in one setting.

Wednesday she was given a project to complete by the end of the month, she was of course partnered with Eren and Armin. Which she was okay with, she was getting to know those two a little more anyway. Thursday Eren and Jean went 30 seconds in a field after school, Mikasa was confused about it at first until she saw both boys lunge at one another going blow for blow for exactly 30 seconds. She could barely watch it all unfold. It must've been one of their things because they were all walking back as if nothing had never happened.

Friday, they went back to the pizzeria by the school, Eren made Jean pay for Mikasa's slice, he received a head slap in the process and of course those two got into it yet again. Mikasa didn't really understand the point of the vulgar insults they spewed to each other only to be friends again minutes later, but maybe it's just how they operated.

Also the entire week things with Eren were interesting for her. Tuesday she tried giving him back his jacket which she washed along with Sasha's shirt, but he told her to bring it back the next day. The entire week it was like that. It confused her, why tell her to keep bringing it back when he declines it every time?

She was supposed to text him today, so he could pick her up. At first she was kind of looking forward to hanging out with everyone, then realization dawned on her.

The last time she went out with a group of people, friends per se, she came home to the scene that lives rent free in her mind.

It made her rethink if she wanted to leave at all. She summed it up to just telling Eren she wasn't feeling good and that she would see everyone at school Monday, but something else in her wouldn't let her send the message.

At the moment she was in her room, still in bed, contemplating on what she really wanted to do. It was already nearing 12:00pm, she needed to say something that way she doesn't leave them wondering where she is.

A few knocks on her room's door broke her from her reverie. It was her Aunt walking in with a wrapped plate in her hand. "I was wondering if you were up, you hadn't came out to get breakfast and I hadn't seen you all morning." She said.

"Sorry about that." Mikasa said sitting up in bed, taking the plate from Kuchel who took a seat next to Mikasa.

"Is something on your mind? I thought you were going out today with your new friends?" Kuchel said as Mikasa looked at her. She didn't remember bringing it up to her. "Levi mentioned something about it earlier this week."

Mikasa turned looking at the plate in her hands. "Yeah, but I'm not really sure if I want to go." She said.

"Why not? I thought you were hitting it off with them."

"No, I am, it's just I have this overwhelming amount of anxiety. The last time I went out and had fun.. I came back home to-" She said stopping herself.

She looked over at Kuchel, who had a knowing look on her face. "You get it." Mikasa said. "Yes I do, but if you're looking to move forward away from what happened, then you can't limit yourself to your past. Yes, that night you were out being a teenager with your friends, but isn't this the new start you wanted by moving here? To start over and do things over, to find yourself again, you can't do that cooped up inside your room, doing mental jumping jacks." Kuchel said. "I think it would benefit you alot if you went out and enjoyed yourself and got used to the new city."

EreMika : The Past That FollowsWhere stories live. Discover now