New years and Newcomings

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"Are you sure you got it up there? I can do it if you want me to." Eren said. "Although I do like this view." He said. He was holding a ladder that Mikasa was standing on, she was placing the new year's banner in the lake house.

"Eren you just hold the ladder steady, I'm almost done." Mikasa said as Eren did as told. When he noticed she was done he thought it would be funny to spook her a bit by shaking the ladder. Mikasa held onto it as he did. "Eren!" She yelled his name looking back at him.

He was laughing when she did. Mikasa ended up falling backwards, Eren was quick to catch her. Once her shock died down she turned looking at him while he had a grin on his face. "Idiot." She said as she hopped out of his arms..

"I wasn't going to let you fall Mika, but you should've seen your face." He continued to laugh.

"Hahaha." Mikasa said sarcastically as she walked away from Eren. Her head was suddenly dizzy, she stumbled a bit but Eren was behind her to help her steady herself. "Woah, you okay?"

"Yeah, I got a bit dizzy. It's your fault." She said. "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to get dizzy." He said sincerely. Maybe he took his joke too far. She sighed. "It's fine, just help me set up the kitchen." She said as he nodded.

"Man, Reiner always buys alcohol in bulk." Eren said pulling the bottles out of paper bags that sat on the island. "I can't believe they can handle so much hard liquor." Mikasa said opening the solo cups sitting them out. "Yeah well they'll regret it when their liver starts failing when they turn 30." Eren said as Mikasa chuckled.

Eren looked over at her when she groaned. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm not sure, My stomach has been hurting a bit since last night. It's probably from eating leftovers my Aunt made a few days ago." She said.

"Have you taken something?" He asked. "No because I didn't think it would keep happening. I'll have to check my purse to see if I have some medicine in there." She said.

"Go ahead and check, I'll finish here." He said. "No it's fine Eren I can finish helping you." She said continuing to open the cups. She went to reach for the chips but Eren beat her to it. "Mika, Go." He said. "You don't want to be sick or hurting when the party starts and when all of our friends are here." He said looking at her.

Mikasa was going to protest but she knew Eren wouldn't allow her to be stubborn right now. "Fine." She said. "I'll be right back." She said as he nodded.

She hurried upstairs quickly, she brought a few things to stay the night with Eren, his designated room was upstairs and that's where her purse was.

Walking in the room she grabbed her purse digging in it for whatever medicine she had. She was lucky to pull out painkillers. She grabbed a water bottle from the nightstand and chased the pill with it.

Hopefully that would be enough to get the situation together.

"Did you take some?" Eren asked watching Mikasa walk back into the kitchen. "Yes I did." She said. "It looks like you're all done here." She said.

"Yeah well I wanted to sit and chill for a bit before everyone showed up." He said. "Armin called he said he's on his way with Annie."

"That's good. I'm sure everyone else will pop up shortly after him." Mikasa said. "Come here Mika." Eren said as Mikasa walked over to him.

His hands cupped her face and he examined her closely. "Something's different about you." He said looking at her. Mikasa looked to the side then back at Eren. "What's different?" She asked.

"I don't know, I can't put my finger on it right now, but it's something." He said. "I noticed you've been feeling really tired lately, and then Armin mentioned that you had a glow, at first I didn't see it but looking at you now, you are glowing.. is it makeup or a new skincare routine?" He asked.

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