Understandings and Better Days

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Eren was growing a bit nervous, he was sitting in his room, letting Mikasa finish her breakfast but he couldn't help but think about what she was going to tell him. Her parents died, okay but how? What exactly happened? When did they die? Was it years ago? Was it recent? Is this why she suddenly moved to his city? Is this why she's so standoffish about her past or talking about it? He had so many questions but he'd have to wait until she explained to get his answers.

When Mikasa reached to grab the orange juice she took a sip, then she moved the plate with half eaten pancakes to the side and then she turned to Eren.

"You make good pancakes." She said with a soft smile.

"I'm glad you like them." Eren said smiling back. He watched Mikasa reposition herself by lifting her legs and sitting crisscross in front of him. "Okay.. So firstly before I tell you this.. after you know everything I want you to know I don't want any pity and I want you to treat me the same like you've been doing the entire time." She said.

"Okay." Eren said mirroring her position. He was all ears.

"Okay... so in February it was the 2nd.. 8 days before my birthday, I went out with a couple of friends after school to a carnival, I was gone for approximately I'd say 3 and half hours before I went home." She took a deep breath. "When I got home, the door was already open, which was odd, walking in, the entire living room was trashed, there were muddy footprints on the floor, glass everywhere, even my Mom's priceless vase was shattered." She said taking another deep breath.

"So I called out for them, they didn't answer. I went to pick up the glass from the vase, and when I bent down I saw blood, a trail of it. I followed it to behind our couch.. and there they were.. lying next to one another a bloody mess." Her tears were coming back. "I tried desperately to make them breathe to bring them back.. but it was too late. Their blood covered my hands, my clothes, my arms, it was everywhere. I eventually called the police after my shock had died down a bit, an ambulance came and checked on me, but all I had was this cut from the glass after it popped up." She said pointing to her cheek.

"After they died, an investigation went underway, I didn't really understand it and I still don't, My parents were in no trouble, they were happy, we were happy, and yet they were murdered so brutally. Whoever did it didn't take anything, they just destroyed the house. So at their funeral my Aunt Kuchel, who I stay with now offered me to live with her back then, and so did people from my mom's side of the family which I declined both."

"I ended up declining the people on mom's side because they live in Japan and I didn't want to go so far, I declined my Aunt because I thought I would be able to handle still living there. A few months went by and things didn't get better, any and everything reminded me of that night, seeing their lifeless bodies. I eventually developed the fear of blood, Hemophobia. Sometimes I still see their blood on my hands even if it isn't there." She said looking at Eren who listened to her story.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I was told severe trauma can cause hallucinations. I've been suffering mentally for months now, I grew depressed, I have severe anxiety and my paranoia is at an all time high. When something like that happened, It made me want to look over my shoulder at all times. So that's why I don't do well in crowded places, because there's always something lurking when you can't see it." She said.

"So, pretty soon, the realization hit that I couldn't live there anymore, I lost friends, I couldn't eat hardly and people started to look at me sideways ever since, I was at my wits end. So I reached out to my Aunt and asked if I could still come to her and live here and she said yes, I came here to start anew, I didn't want my past to follow me, but somehow it does in a way. I have bad nightmares like last night. I think I was overwhelmed with the thought of loving someone deeply again and couldn't shake the fact that, that love could one day be snatched from me again which is why I was probably pleading to you." She said as some tears slid down her face.

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