Paranoia and Confessions

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Two and a half months has passed since Mikasa has moved to this new city, things were looking better much better. She was talking more, she was a bit more lively, she was having fun every other weekend with her friends and Eren. She even enjoyed her new job, which was pretty steady most of the time. So it kept her busy kept her distracted.

Thinking about Eren was almost like a daily routine for her, everyday at school he would talk to her, grab her hand like always, and do small little things that made her stomach flutter nonstop.

She had summed it up a while ago that she likes him, or that she has a crush on him, but she also felt like they would just mindlessly flirt with one another but nothing ever went above that. She didn't have the gut to actually tell him how she feels, so she tries to convince herself they're just friends doing friend things.

The thought in the back of her mind was that Eren was just being nice to her, always trying to make her laugh or smile, but she hoped it was more than that.

The memory popped into her mind when he told her at Armin's that he had already stumbled upon someone he was beginning to like, but she couldn't figure out who. At school he always just talked to her or their friends, and she's even witnessed him politely turn down a few girls who confessed to him. So who exactly could it be that he had feelings for?

Could it be his ex? I mean he did tell her that he had strong feelings for her when they were together. She hurt him but he really liked her, that's what he said. She even embarrassed herself when she invited him over that one time and practically asked that he kiss her, the thought of it made her feel so shameless, she had gotten to carried away with his kindness.

When she wasn't beating herself up trying to figure Eren out completely, her nights were filled with sleeping alot better but then just last night, she saw it again, the incident. It woke her up drenched in sweat, it was so bad she had to run to her bathroom and emptied her stomach. When they go away they always come back harder than the last time.

In the morning she wasn't in the mood for school, she didn't feel up to it, she wallowed in her own misery for a while, feeling sad about what happened all over again, as if everything she's done in the past month was just nothing in the end, it still didn't help her completely forget or move on, it just put a temporary stop to it.

"Mikasa sweetheart, are you feeling any better?" Kuchel asked opening her room door. Mikasa stayed laying in her bed, she didn't even bother turning around. "I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired." She said softly.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to make you some soup or something?"

"No, I can manage." She said. "I'm going to work later, I just wanted some rest, I didn't feel good last night."

"Are you sure? Because I can stay home with you."

"No Auntie, go on to work. I'll be fine, I promise." Mikasa said finally turning around and sitting up. "Actually, I'll get up and go to school. I'll walk."

"You're already an hour and a half late, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, it beats being balled up in here all day." Those were her plans from the beginning but she knows if she stays her Aunt will just worry herself to death and she didn't want that.

"Well okay.. I'm heading on to work. Be careful okay and if you need anything call me." Kuchel said. "And don't forget your keys."

"Will do." Mikasa waved as Kuchel closed her door. Mikasa fell back on her bed, looking up at her ceiling. She was still a bit under the weather but she'll have to push through.

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